
Pain of life or death?

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I'm not sure which is worse.

I'm so ugly, and quite so my personality doesn't shine through. No one notices me at all or cares for me.

I'm unlovable, worthless and pathetic. No one will ever or can ever really love me so I think I should just end my pointless life and before I cause a nuisance to anyone or before I have to suffer anymore.

I am stariting to think that the pain of death would be much less and I don't know where to turn?




  1. Look the best advice I can give you is three things

    1) Killing yourself only solves a temporary problem. You will outgrow this and be happier. Life will get better, people move on, you move on. If you off yourself you will never be able to reverse it.

    2) If you kill yourself you will leave in the quake of your actions people who will be traumatized and mourn you like no tomorrow. No one should ever live out their own child. It wouldn't be fair to your family and friends. And yes i'm sure you have both somewhere.

    3) if you feel like you cannot take it anymore call up the suicide prevention people.. 1800suicide they will talk with you without asking your name. They wont judge you, the just want you to see the sunrise tomorrow.

    Trust me I've been where you are, it get's hard but you will always come out the other side. Even if it seems endless suck it up keep swinging and you will end up surviving it.

  2. remember what does down must come up give it time you'll feel better. somebody does love you your parents, they'll miss you so don't do anything stupid

  3. that is the most selfish thing i have heard all day.

  4. It sounds like it's time for you to work with an experienced therapist that you can trust and respect while perhaps also seeing your doctor for an antidepressant.  You self-esteem sounds at rock bottom and depression sound pretty real.  These things don't have to stay the same.  Ask for the right help and they will turn around.

  5. My grand mother killed her self and it did nothing to help her. Honey you need to take your life in your own hands and make your self seen and heard. Don't wait around for other people they mean nothing the only person that matters to you IS YOU! So don't feel bad any more! Stand up dust your self off and make your self happy. Don't worry about every one else just you. You will find out that you will do great things for the world if you simply love your self.

    Hang in there it will be better soon.

  6. Honey you need some new friends..a church or something, let me tell  you, I have weighed over 300 pounds since i was 15 ..400 since i was 35, i have friends, ex boyfriends 2 grown children, an ex husband, the dog. that i have kicked to the curb,and  i go out, the key is to find true friends .   Ones who care how you feel and how you are not what you look like..They are out there, trust me no one is unlovable if that were true. how would these sleazy inmates get wives?? Pray to God if you don't already, it's a pisser to be judged the minute you walk into the room but you will over come.. Good Luck!

  7. No!

    It is a pain of life. Whatever you do, don't give up!

    I had a very good friend who was over weight and not the prettiest person on the block.

    She was depressed and sad for a long time. That is, until she started going to this one church. On the first Sunday she went, the pastor preched about something she said that she will never forget.

    She said that he talked about GOD's plan. He talked about how much GOD loves us no matter what we look like. We are beautiful and perfect in GOD's eyes.

    And, no, when I wrote that, I didn't  mean that you should just start going to church or something. I just meant that you are perfect in everyway. You  should never give up, because in a few years, you can be on the most prettiest people in the world. I mean, you don't really have to be pretty to be happy. And all of those people who aren't giving you a chance to you let your personality shine through, just ignore them.

    If people don't give you chance, it's their loss.


    GOD loves you and he always will.

    You are not pointless or pathetic, you are an amazing and wonderful person, no matter what you look like. Don't let anyone tell you different!

    Also, I'm sure that many people would lose out if something happened to you. Think about your family.

    It's nothing worth ending your life over.

    May GOD bless you and look out for you.

    You will be in my prayers.

  8. pain of life.

    please don't give up.

    u are something precious and even though life may be hard, all u can do is hold on and keep going.

  9. I only have to read the title to answer this question:  The pain of life.

  10. Well I am with you there... i am expericening the same diffculities you are; just hang in there.... it will get better. I try not to focus so hard on that.

  11. Don't turn anywhere. Just be

  12. oh, dear. you are the victim of wrong thinking. first of all, you are not ugly. there is no way. I am sorry no one notices you. If they did, would you be comfortable with that attention? Second, I know you have people who love you, people who would be devastated if anything happened to you. I am so sorry you are suffering. Your personality will shine through once you are feeling better. Please talk to your parents. Ask them to take you to a doctor. Right now. Stop hating yourself. You are not pathetic at all, just have fallen into a cycle of bad thought and it's hard to climb out of it. I lost my brother recently due to suicide and I can tell you it hurts me like crazy, but it has nearly destroyed my poor mom. It breaks my heart to see her so frail, and weeping and it caused her heart to go into a bad rhythm. Please don't do that to your family. I wish my brother would have given me just a chance to show him how valuable he was to me and how much I loved him. Give someone in your family that chance. Please!

  13. That would not be a good idea.....  

  14. um. you need to go talk to a doc. You should be thankful that your alive. the "Pain of Life" that you talk about, is pain your causing your self.

  15. It sounds like you're contemplating suicide. There is always a point to life, God has made you with a purpose in mind. Just because you think you're ugly on the outside doesn't mean that you're not beautiful on the inside. Please get help, because you will find that you can be happy with the person inside.  Your family probably loves you very much and since you didn't include details about your friends it sounds like you don't have many close friends. Just because you're going through a rough patch doesn't mean that you should end your life. All it means is that you need some help. You are not unlovable, you just haven't found someone worth your love yet! Worthless? All it sounds like is that you're upset and having normal feelings of a teenager.

    Your life is not something that is worthless or pointless. Don't be disappointed in yourself!

    Please, seek help. It'll help you in the long run, and don't contemplate suicide so early in your life. God has faith in you, your family has faith in you, and I have faith in you. Sometimes all it takes is a kind friend or someone on the web to tell you that you're still worth their time.

    Ask your parents or friends to find you a psychologist or psychiatrist that will help you through this rough patch.

    Life is a long pathway full of hurdles but friends, companians, and guiding hands will help you through to the light. For my sake, for your sake, and for your family's sake, seek help.

    Search psychiatrist on google and type in your zip code to find ones near you. Talk to someone, there has to be someone in your life that you can sit down and have a converstation with.

    If your still in school, talk to your guidance councler, that's what they're there for! If you're out of school, talk to your parents, or look up a psycologist.

    You can get through this! Death is not yo8ur best option.

    Depression is serious!

    Just be YOU.

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