
Pain of nose piercing?

by Guest57141  |  earlier

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Im getting my nose piercied on sunday, and i was wondering how badly the pain was on a scale of 1 - 10. I know to not get it with a gun, so how much does it hurt with a needle? Im scared of like medicine needles, so im wondering if this would be similar. Ive had my ears pierced with a gun, will it feel like that sorta?




  1. Putting a hole through your body either way is going to hurt.. lol

    Take a friend with you, and don't look...have your friend distract you and the process is much easier... I got mine done twice so after the pain from the gun, the needle seemed muchh better!!

  2. I had it done 12 years ago and the girl said it feels like a smurf bite.  (do you remember the smurfs?)  It was a 1 and it was fast less painful than my ears or cartilage.  It is gone and done about 8 years ago and no scar. I have very sensitive skin if there is a scar it looks like a small pore.  No fears I think about getting one again.  Have fun with it and good luck just grip something in your hand for that nano second.

  3. EEEEKK ! i`m getting mine tomorrow !!! omg i heard it hurts like a B***H but it will only be for like two seconds. i suggest not to wear mascara cuz you`ll most likely tear. but it`s only for a few seconds. i wish i could get it with a gun so it will just be like boom, done. but don`t, i heard it`s really bad. i`m so scared of needles too !!!! but beauty is pain right ?! lol. good luck ! maybe if i`m not too late, i`ll edit this and let you know how it went. haha.

  4. my aunt, who's like, 30 cried.

  5. U shouldnt have done it in the first place

  6. I've had my nose pierced for 4 years and I will admit it did hurt. On a scale it would probably be an 8. It stung when the needle went in, but it felt much better when he put the stud in. He did warn me that my eye would water, and it did. I had a tear coming down when he was done! And I wasn't crying. IMO, the pain isn't so bad that one would have to cry about it. Depends on your pain tolerance level.  

  7. ive hear it dosnt hurt too bad, mayb like a 7

  8. Take two fingers and press hard with your nail on the inside and outside of your nose at the same time.

    Yeah, that + stinging. It made my eyes water.

    No, def not like the ears.

  9. I got mine done twice because it closed up once...

    anywho it depends on how "soft" the cartlige in your nose is. mine is quite harder than most so it hurt the 1st time, but its bearable, Ive had many piercings and all of them are bearable and totally worth it! The 2nd time I got it pierced last year it didnt hurt at all! Everyone I know besides me didnt even feel theirs! It will naturally make you tear up because it is your nose, but You will be fine!
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