
Pain relief for arthritis, what really works?? ?

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I have chronic pain from arthritis in neck back and hands...I take pain meds and NSAIDS for inflammation. I am not getting enough sleep because the constant nagging pain keeps me awake. What non prescription tips to fellow suffers use for management of pain stiffness and inflammation of arthritis...I am tired of the suffering already




  1. I have degenerative arthritis. In hindsight, I have come to realise that mental attitude has a great deal to do with how we cope with pain. Anti-depressants in conjunction with occasional pain meds have dramatically improved my life. Sometimes small changes can have a snowballing effect. Chronic pain just goes on and on, the profound effect that anti-depressants had was that instead of being depressed by the pain, I am pissed off! Please take a moment too ponder this. I take pain meds for an occasional holiday. I don't know why but staying as active as I sensibly can seems to help limit the amount of pain.

  2. You do not state what type of Arthritis? You do not state what pain meds you are on, let alone NSAIDs. Their are over 50 different types of NSAIDS and it will take you a few attempts to find the one that suits you best. Same with the pain medication. That is why you need to see a Rheumatologist. I have RA had it since I was 21, now almost 50 and still mobile. Best of Luck

  3. My wife has arthritis and fibromyalgia and she takes Soma at night to help with the pain and sleep. They have these things called Therma Care or something like that. They are pads that keeps heat going to wherever you apply them for eight hours. I hope you know what I mean. Arthritis and Fibromyalgia also effects the muscles and nerves. She takes a hot shower before bedtime and I massage her shoulders, back of her neck with Aspercream. She applies it to her hands. Our pharmacy has what is called Perform, that comes in a cream or a roll on container like under arm deodorant. It has an odor to it but disapates quickly. You don't say what meds you are taking, but my wife takes MS Contin 45 Mg's 3 times a day and some Percocets. She also takes 300 mg's of Nuerontin for nerves ends. Without these drugs, she wouldn't be able to move. But if you could do it, exercise is the best thing for arthritis. Do to other problems, she can't even do that. I know what you are going through and I wish I could tell you some miracle cure, but there just isn't any. I've checked. So I wish for you the very best and let's keep hoping that sometime in the near future, they find a cure. Arthritis and it's discomforts is something that you are just going to have to live with. Maybe exercise will help you, it would be worth a try. Good luck

  4. treatment can cure arthritis for permanently.....medicine just to relief the symptoms like pain and swollen

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