
Pain relief?

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what is the best pain relief for horses? one of my horses is lame and also has artharitis. Please Help




  1. Bute or Banamine. You can try MSM for the arthritis

  2. You can try Bute, and you can get it from the vet.

  3. supplements and just lots of rest.

    Talk to your vet there is a shot out there to help artharitis, I cant remember the name sorry I will try and find it.

  4. I think a vet should be taking care of this problem.

  5. Bute can be used, but not everyday.

    Devils Claw can be used everyday.

    However, you should help get rid of the pain, not mask it.

    If one is lame, see if you can get special shoes for it, and diagnose the problem so it can be prevented.

    For your horse with arthritis, get a high quality joint supplement. A good one is Mojo. You can also look into joint injections given by your Vet.

  6. Depends on the horse.  There is no cure for arthritis.  If it is too severe, the horse should be retired.  Why is your horse lame?  Call the vet.  Sounds like your horse needs some professional help.

  7. Bute, but you shouldn't use it for anything but temporary pain.  You should maybe call a vet.

  8. Probably you should take this one to your vet... but generally, bute is an ok short-term pain reliever/anti -inflammatory.  Banamine is good for immediate pain relief but should only be used when absolutely necessary. I like boswellia instead of bute,  and some people have success with yucca.

    Liniments, freeze gels & poultices might be useful in some instances.

    If your horse is severely arthritic, you might want to consider an injectable such as Adequan. Joint injections might be a possibility as well.

    Pain relievers are great, but they won't solve the problem, they'll just mask the symptoms. Any idea why your horse is lame?

  9. MSM is a good supplement but your horse is going to need more joint support than just that. I saw a huge difference in my 14yr mare by starting her on Jointsaver by Figuerola. The vet wanted to put her on bute but due to the long term effects I looked into other products. She is doing great on this she is bucking, cantering, rearing, she feels great! Some of the ingredients are msm, glucosamine, chondroitin, and SAMe. Jointsaver also aids in lubricating and maintaining healthy joint function.  Can be ordered through
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