I've been running for a while now, and I'm in 8th grade (girl too). I did track in both 7th and 8th grade, but outside of track have been running about 3 times a week for a distance of abou 3 miles. I'm in shape and have never had problems running before. Track is over now and thorughout the whole season I had no problems :)
But today I was running and my knees were bothering me--not bad enough to stop--but noticabley. It was like a sharp feeling l thought it was because I didn't stretch well enough, so at the next street corner I stopped and kinda shook out my legs and stretched, but it didn't reall help. I finished my run and it was ok, the more tired i got the less i noticed it :)
Later tonight I was walking to the grocery store and my knees were hurting again- and when I ran across the street to try and beat a car it killed! I could run, but not comfortabley at all!
What could this be? It was really humid out today, is that part of it? What should I do???
Thank you!!!!!!!!