
Painful lump on jaw line?

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On my left jaw line (on the bone) I have developed a fairly painful, pretty solid lump. It's grown slightly each day now for about a week so that now you can almost see it sticking out. What could it be? Any ideas?




  1. I have the same thing thought it could be oral cancer because I chew but im only young and those kind are not painful. But everything i read seems to be related to teeth or strep throat type infections, just had my wisdom tooth of the left side taken out. And alot of people have the same lump of the left jaw so im thinking its probably a swollen gland if painful to touch. My brother also had these same types of lumps when he had teeth removed because they were impacted. I wouldn't think it would be anything to worry about and im premed if that helps, not exactly a doctor but i know a little bit.

  2. i have the same problem, i found the lump yesterday and i am abit worried. feels abit like i have been punched in the face! I also have a wisdom tooth coming through on the same side, so personally I am hoping it is resulting from that. Anyway you should really get it checked out just in case.
    good luck

  3. last nite i woke and ive got a lump on my jaw line its not an absess as its to far away from my mouth it hurts wen i touch it and becoz of it ive bin really unwell and i get shocks of it wat cud it be my docs r not that good either so i wnt to try sort it without seeing the idiot.

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