
Painful stringy's in eye?

by  |  earlier

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my bf recently started complaining about always having something in his eye(s). he spends hours infront of the mirror a day. he feels like this all day where ever he is, it seems to really bother him in the evening though.

after staring in the mirror with a flashlight he usually ends up pulling out white stringy eye boogers.

his eyes usually arent red until after he has been picking out the stringy's.

he thinks its his allergy to the cats that live across the hall from us in our apartment building.

i think it may be some kind of infection.

any ideas??




  1. well either way he needs to go to the doctor. obviously.

    picking at his eyes for hours a day is not good and isnt going to solve the problem. actually, it will only make it worse.

    its possible that it started as an allergy and since he decided to pick at his eyes it may have turned into an eye infection. afterall your hands tend to have lots of germs on them especially if he isnt washing them well before sticking his hands into his eye sockets. also, its important he got really soon because eye infections are very serious. he could potentially go blind and additionally infections can spread. think of all the vital areas of hte body that are in that region. the brain being the most fatal/important but also your sinus' your ear canals, throat, ect.

    get him to the doc!

  2. If he thinks hes allergic to the cats, start by taking over the counter allergy meds and try some eye drops.  If that doesn't help in a day or two.....then he should probably go to a doc because then he might have an infection.  The stringy things, are probably just eye mucus, it's trying to cleanse the eyes from debris.  Usually that happens to me during allergy season, which it is.  :)

  3. See a doctor.  He should not be picking in his eyes.

  4. Yeah. It most liekly is a mild infection so he needs to see a doctor! That definately is a symptom of somthing not right. We see strings with viral and bacterial infections and some allergies!

  5. It sounds like conjuctivitus.His doctor will give him some drops for his eye.Or you can buy it over the counter.

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