
Painful swelling around eye/cheek

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Hey, I've had this swelling around the bottom of my eye lid and to the side of my nose, and also around my cheek by it doesn't hurt there, only close to my nose... I've been to my GP but the woman said they were busy so I went to the walk-in centre and she just gave me some antibiotics (Erythromycin) and told to take 2 four times a day. I have had an operation years ago after being refered to ENT after someone decided to hit me; a similar thing happened afterwards my cheek blew up not quite how it is now but around the same area, also quite recently someone headbutted me and some bruising on the opposite side of my nose came up (opposed to where the swelling is now). Any opinions or suggestions are welcomed :)




  1. Have You Been Swimming In Chlorine Lately? Chlorine Isually Is The Main Problem. Since I'm Guessing You Probably Haven't Been Swimming, I'd Say That Since This Has Happened Before And It Involved Surgery, You May Want To Consult A Doctor Once Again.

  2. go 2 ya gp

  3. Personally I would take the course of antibiotices AND make an appointment with your gp (even if it is for a couple of days time) if the antibiotics works and the swelling goes down cancel the appointment x

  4. Perhaps it's a cellulitis?  An infection deep in your tissue.  Perhaps the past and recent traumas to the area contributed to it.I hope the Erythromycin helps, but if things don't start improving quickly, they might have to switch you to a different antibiotic.  If you begin to develop a fever or if the pain increases, get back to the doctor's office right away!  Get better soon...

  5. Hi

    Continue taking the antibiotics, and take an over the counter analgesic, such as paracetamol (provided you aren't allergic).  See your GP for follow up or in case the situation does not improve.

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