
Painkiller overdose?

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can 3 5/500 vicodin really kill you?

i heard it could...

cause i ususally take 2 5/500 and that gets me pretty high..and i took 3 last night and it really didnt get me high at all...




  1. Well obviously taking three won't kill you because you are still here.

    With that being said, there are strengths that are much higher than hydrocodone 5/500.  The highest strength is 10/750.  I have seen doctors write prescriptions for people to take 2 7.5/750.

    Do I think it is smart that you push your limits and take this drug differently than what your doctor

    Do I think that if you take three it will kill you...depending on your height and

    If you are taking more because you are in pain and don't feel the drug is working, then you need to contact your doctor and get it switched to a different strength.

    Good Luck!!

  2. I very seldom if ever judge or condenm people's behaviour. However, you are an exception to the rule.

    You are either ignorant or stupid. In either case you need to know that not following the prescribed prescription directions is not very bright. You should know that by now. Now that I have given you this information, you are no longer ignorant.

    If you repeat this type of behavior it can be very dangerous and it (your behavior) and you can be classified and named "stupid" for not learning.

    "Stupid is as stupid does."

    Behavior such as yours is why there are drug addicts, sociopaths, ERs filled with stupid people doing stupid things and cemetaries filled with the remnants of such behavior.

  3. well the narcotic part of it will get you high for sure, but all of the tylenol (the 500 part) in it will eventually destroy your liver if you continue to abuse it, then you will have to drink a yummy brown medicine that will make you s**+* your pants all day to get all of the poisons out of your body that your liver used to be able to get out. doesnt that sound nice?
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