
Painkiller side effect?

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I was in a car accident last week and I have little fractures in my nose from my face slamming into the airbag. I'm going to an ear, nose, and throat specialist on Friday, but I had to go to the ER a couple of days ago for x-rays on my neck, back, and nose. The doctor put me on painkillers until Friday. I've been on them for almost three days and a few hours after taking one it's hard to breathe and I feel really nauseous and dizzy/tired. Are these normal side effects or am I allergic to these or what?




  1. You didn't mention what the painkillers are.  Some NSAIDS can cause allergic reactions and for example, aspirin will cause bronchoconstriction s a side effect. I recommend calling your physician and asking him to switch medications.

  2. well what is the name of the drug, there are several types of painkillers

  3. I bet you're on a pain killer that is an opiate (e.g. codeine, oxycodone, hydrocodone).  It's common for patients to experience nausea and vomiting.  Itchiness occurs too.  You are having a hard time breathing because the medication causes respiratory depression.  Because it is a depressive, it's extremely important to not drink alcohol.

    If the side effects become too bothersome you should talk to your doctor.  There are different pain killers that you can use which may not be so bothersome.

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