
Pains in my lower left abdomen ? help?

by  |  earlier

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everytime i walk , cough , nd twist i feel a mild pain in my lower left abdomen. ive been doing ab excercises but i started like 5 months ago so i dont think its that but idk who knows. im male nd im 13 . nd my right balls dont look right. what could this be ?




  1. This could indeed be a hernia.   I would stop exercising or lifting heavy weights of any kind until you get checked out by a doctor.

    It could also bee the appendix, they aren't always located on the right side, but it does sound like a possible hernia.    

    For your own sake, get it checked out by a doctor as soon as possible.  Tell your parents about it--this is nothing to fool around with.

  2. I think you might have a hernia. You should go to the doctor as soon as possible. It can really bother you the longer it goes on. Talk to you parents about it.

  3. My guess is a hernia. Any Medical Doctor can diagnose it.  So, if that's ruled out, I'd see a gastro specialist to check for potential problems in the colon.  It's not worthy ignoring.

  4. could be a hernia you should see a dr ..

  5. I agree. My father had the same thing, the hernia can become serious if left uncared for. See a docter as soon as possible.

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