
Paint Shop Pro!?

by  |  earlier

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I recently got PSP9.

I tried to install new brushes that I downloaded for PSP 9 and I put them in the folder "artistic" brushes with the rest of them.

It didn't work. So I made a new folder and transferred the ones I d/led back to the new folder, but I think I may have added some of the original ones too ( they are all similar file names)

Anywayz, now some of the original brushes aren't even working, and neither are the new ones.

What do I do?




  1. Go to PSP9, go to file, choose import, then custom brush. Go to your folder and choose a brush to put in to PSP 9.

    don't know if it will work, it's been a while since a downloaded a brush.

  2. here are some links and video that can help

  3. I don't know if you bought or downloaded it, but if you downloaded it you can just uninstall it, then reinstall it and everything should work the way it normally did.

    You might not want to install the other brushes since it didn't work last time. A lot of photoshop stuff that you download isn't legit, and puts viruses on your computer.

    If that all fails, then you could download it works as well as any other photo editing program, it even lets you change the size of the paint brush and the way it brushes.

    Good luck!

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