
Paint problem, no baseboards?

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I am going to paint my girls rooms and we do not currently have baseboards. Any idea how to paint without getting it on the carpet. I know to use a drop cloth obviously, but I had not thought of this before. And if I just buy base boards any idea how much they are?

I dont really mean not getting it on the carpet but how do you get it to look ok where it meets the carpet.




  1. There are a metal/plastic masks that you can insert between the wall and the carpet. They are about 18 to 24 long, cost a few bucks, and are available in most paint stores. They protect the carpet from the paint, and are easy to use. If you get a lot of paint on the mask, you may need to wipe it off periodically.

    For an example, go to, and search for Warner 12" Plastic Paint Guide, Item number 160978. They do make wider ones, but this is a good example.

  2. I would try a wide masking tape. Stick it to the carpet, as low on the wall as possible and as straight as possible. It should be easy to paint the whole wall that way, although it will take a bit of time to do the taping at first. But you'd probably have to tape the baseboards if you had them anyway. Good luck!

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