
Paint problem over painters putty?

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the paint over my trim is kind of bubbled up wherever there was painters putty. some places it's not so bad but if i scrape it with my nail the paint comes right off. how do i fix this problem. i don't want to use painters putty again if it is going to do this. i didn't do the initial painting.




  1. You need to sand those area and re-putty, after it dries, prime and the paint to finish.

  2. OK first of all are we talking about painters caulk or carpenters putty. i have never seen painters putty. paintable caulk and wood or carpenters putty will both accept paint just fine. i suspect that the caulk used wasn't painters caulk but more likely silicon caulk. like for around tubs and such. paint will not stick to it. you might have to caulk over it with paintable caulk.

  3. Dr. How to do it has the right solution..the problem was they puttid the holes and did not wipe off the excess , thus mounding it up... It isn't the putty that went wrong but the application.. It was done incorrectly.. LOL someone mentioned they never heard of painters putty.. I have painted 37 years  since the age of 13..and we had it way back then too...

  4. I think that if you paint over the painter's putty with a primer (it's white and goes on over everything) thus making an easier way to get your painting done without worrying about the putty.

  5. Painters putty is much like the oily clay we played with when I was a child. It sounds like the putty was not primed before the paint was applied. You can remove the paint and start by priming the putty, then paint.  OR You can remove the putty and put new putty in, prime, and then paint.  

    BTW as a painter we have used painters putty to glaze windows or window glazing. They are most likely the same thing.

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