
Paintball Gun Suggestions?

by  |  earlier

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So I've never played before, but myself and a bunch of buddies are going next month for the day to splatter each other.

Gun rentals however, at the fields around me are insanely priced, were talking 100$ plus for 2 hour rentals, I honestly can't believe them.

So I've decided i'm just going to buy a gun, this way I can go multiple times, practice at home, etc... etc.. and it only costs me once for the gun.

I'm looking to spend "MAX" 150$ on the gun alone.

Id really prefer a mechanical gun over supposedly the type i'm looking for is called a "blow back semi automatic.

If any experienced player has a suggestion on a gun fitting my price range that you'd recommend, that'd be great.




  1. Tippmann 98 Custom.

    Tippmanns are virtually indestructible, highly upgradable, and reliable.

    They are simple inline blow backs and much more reliable that spyders.

    You can usually get a used 98C package on ebay for less than $100 shipped.

  2. if youre lookin around that price range then i recommend SPYDER. great brand for a cheap price. electronic and metal. not cheap plastic

  3. If you can find a provider for .55 cal paint balls, I would highlyrecommendd the PMI Maxx55. It's chambered in .55 caliber, which you will be shooting at aaproximately 290fps, and the range and accuracy is better than a flatline due to the lower weight of the round. Another huge bonus to this is the cost. I picked mine up for $79 new, and paint only costs me $50/2000. A good deal all around, but not for everyone.

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