
Painting Curtain Rods?

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I want to paint some metal curtain rods. They currently look like satin nickel. I have some designer spray paint which looks like "oil rubbed bronze" and some "smooth metal base" paint.

I tried to spray paint one rod and the base paint became runny and started to drip so I wiped it off.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can spray paint these metal rods without causing drip marks? Also how do I do cover all sides evenly?

Thank You!




  1. You need to prime them first. And it sounds to me like you were too close, or you tried to cover with one coat.  Move back and do 2 light coats.  I paint all mine, and never have a problem.

    To cover all sides, I hang them on my clothesline and spray.  When they're all really dry, I hold them in my hand to get the spots I missed.

  2. Renna it sounds to me that you have not cleaned your Curtain Rods before starting to paint, another thing will help, is sand lightly with 200 grit sand paper, remove  all dust then paint.

    Good Luck
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