
Painting Miniatures: What do you use to protect your paint job?

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When you get through with painting your miniatures, what do you use to protect the paint so it doesn't rub off or chip? Mostly for Warhammer miniatures.




  1. Usually I just use Citadel's Warhammer Warnish (clear matte spray), but have done just as well using regular old spray polyurethane. Make sure its water based, and a few light coats are better than a thick one. Most of my figures have held up very well in battle!!

  2.   Mounting them on a small base just slightly larger than they are and moving them by the base, also mounting artillery and mounted units in small groups on a common base will prevent mauch damage to paint if you over coat or not. I wargamed in Miniture before computer games and this was the standard in the old school days. a strip of wood and some green moss from a railroad set to make it look realworld. It make you figures look better and they soon have others asking you to do theirs for pay, I did.  

  3. I use two coats of  GW Matte Varnish, then a single coat or Testors Dull Cote, and let completely dry.

    It does subdue the colors, so you may want to try it out on a single model, and you may want to brighten up your paint job a little more if there is a color you want to "pop". The other thing is you can paint over the top of the sealers and re-apply either of them when you are done painting.  

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