
Painting a design on my wall [twilight]....?

by Guest45149  |  earlier

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The colors of my room are black, white, and red; the walls are white, bed comforter is black and white, pillows and rug are red.

I'm in love with the book Twilight by Stephenie Meyer, and I was thinking of painting "twilight" on my wall in the same font that's on the cover of the book and an apple underneath it.

Now, I was thinking to paint twilight in black with like a silver outline to make it stand out, and a red apple, but does that sound too plain? I want it to be a cool design.

If anyone has any ideas, or pictures of designs related to Twilight, I would greatly appreciate the help deciding.

Thanks! =)




  1. this would be a cool design , but you should see if you like it realy or not , because when you do this it may seem different for you from what you've seen in your imagination . try to draw this painting in the computer , with paint , photoshop , or other programs . and then change the colors and the font and see which one is better .

    for more information about design search the "home decorating " or "interior design" on the yahoo or google , you would find more answeres .

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