
Painting my nails????

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Painting my nails with a black/silver(or white) pattern. Ive already done dice.. whats a cool pattern?




  1. french will look really cool. zebra is really kewl. zigzag are cool.

  2. Check out this web site in Style list. But go through the 13 pictures of "Wild Nails" first using the menu command and selecting "wild Nails." For a more exotic look go through the first 17 picture gallery that uses more jewels and other glam our for nail art shows.

  3. checkered

    that is awesome

    u can do black and white

    and silver lineing

    i did that once

    it looked cool

  4. You could try french manicure with a twist.

    Black base with silver or white tips.


    Spots/dots/polka dots.

    This works really well with loads of colours, just experiment.

  5. volcado pattern i think that is nice

    thanks -

  6. Try zebra. Or use a white base and do black and silver flowers.

  7. I think it would  look cool to color your nails black then put white skulls in the middle and three pink little jewels at the top!!! thatwould be cool yeah so go ahead and do that or color itona peice of paper forthe deign and see if you like it.

  8. hearts
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