
Painting wood dresser but it has a lot of dents how do I fill in the small dents and holes?

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I have a solid pine nightstand I'm painting. It originally had a stain finish, I sanded it, then primered and now I'm painting it but am noticing a lot of dents/pock marks. I think it's too late for this one but I have another I'm going to be working on. How do I give the wood a smooth finish and get rid of the small dents, etc.?

I tried a paste type wood filler but it didn't work. Any specific products that work well?





  1. use bondo. apply then sand smooth.  

  2. Wood filler is probably the best answer.  Just be sure you give it time to dry before you actually sand it.  Also, if the marks are small enough, you can use water to raise the wood and then sand lightly.

  3. 1. sand it very well,  using corse, medium and fine grits of sand paper

    2. aply bondo with a putty knife..annd sand it

    3. to reduce brush marks add "floetrol" to the paint (ask in h.depot or lowes)

    Hope this works..good luck

  4. Wood putty is great for nail heads and stuff, but most types shrink and don't work well for bigger dents.. Get some bond-o from the automotive section. Sand the spots, mix bond-o, apply with putty knife, allow to dry, sand, and possibly do a second coat if you have pinholes. Or the pinholes may look small enough to put wood putty in. Bond-o, when mixed correctly, doesn't take long to dry and doesn't shrink like other products can.

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