
Pakistan coach Waqar Younis plays down ICC World Cup 2011 trophy controversy

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Pakistan cricket team coach Waqar Younis has downplayed the debate over the ICC World Cup trophy given to cricket team saying that it does not matter whether the trophy was original or a replica.
Waqar stressed that the most important thing was that India were crowned as the World Champions.
“I don’t think it really matters whether it was a replica trophy or the original one since the main thing is the feeling of becoming world champions once you win the final,” Waqar was quoted as saying by a leading Pakistan newspaper.
Waqar also added that he did not think it was such a big issue since the Indian team would be feeling on top of the world after they won the final against on Saturday, 2 April, 2011.
The trophy issue raised after Indian media reported that a replica of World Cup trophy was given to Indian captain customs over non-payment of duties.
The controversy forced the International Cricket Council to issue a clarification that the trophy given to India was the original one which was always intended to be awarded to the victor of the mega cricketing event.
“The trophy seized by Mumbai customs is the promotional, perpetual trophy which remains in the keeping of ICC at its headquarters in Dubai,” read an ICC media release. “It carries the generic ICC corporate logo rather than the logo specific to the 2011 event.”
The media release further read that the confiscated cup would be reclaimed and would go back to the ICC headquarters in Dubai adding that was how it was originally intended.
In the meantime, the former pace bowling great made it clear that he does not intend to step down from his job as Pakistan coach after losing to nemesis India in the ICC World Cup 2011 semi-finals. He said that he has one year remaining on his contract and
he would like to complete it.



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