Wife was walking dog to park- on leash and muzzled.
It dropped its' load, as dogs do- wife picks up after it using latex gloves inside plastic bag- disposes of t**d and paraphernalia in bin-
Pakistani bugger verbally abuses her about dog s**+tting on verge. Wife ignores him, he grabs her arm as she's trying to walk off
she tells him let go or she'll call the coppers- he starts yelling and screaming- abusing her and calling her a racist- and carrying on in his lagnuage- she'd never said a word to him- and she's a tiny wee thing of only 5'5.
Well, she puled away- the dog went mad and he kicked it
Wife comes home- too shaken up to make much sense ntil an hour later. This happened last night- I called the coppers- they don't want to know about it.
I'm now of a mind to give this toe-rag a bloody good belting- I know exactly where he lives.
Should I give this lovely cultural enricher a bloody good sorting?