
Pakistanis, what do you think of Musharraf's resignation?

by Guest10998  |  earlier

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Pakistanis, what do you think of Musharraf's resignation?




  1. good, the t**t is now gone

  2. I smell a rat here folks........ I bet he will be re-instated in the end,

    If Bhutto's husband suceeeds, dont you think he faces the same problem his wife had ?

  3. Good

    but still need to hope that next coming must be better then him.

  4. I'm not a stinker, but I bet G 'dubya Bu$h is well pissed off, now that he doesn't have his puppet in that part of the world!

  5. you asked the pakistanis, will you permit me to answer ? Take it as granted, i answer.

    In the history of dictator's life, no dictator achieved a peaceful exist.  All the dictators suffered a lot at end.  In the case of Musharraf, i mean end of musharraf era, he took a right decision which forced him to resign.  overall, the international community will regard the musharraf era as a wasted opportunity. The man who advocated moderation and promised to recast his country as a progressive model for the muslim world failed to deliver because he just would not completely abandon the religious extremists. He rightly escaped from the impeachment by the pakistan parliament.    Surprisingly, he has not got the support from the military.  what else he can do except resigning ?  so, he did.

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