I have two cichlids and my blue african kenyi isn't blue anymore! the stripes are a greyish-blue color and the rest of him is a silvery white color. He doesn't look sick though, he never sits at the bottom and he gets the same amount of food as the other cichlid. He does occasionally get chased around because he is the smaller one, but he is a lot faster and doesn't have to try hard to out swim him.
I thought he was healthy because he has a beautiful shimmery blue stripe on his forehead and around his gills and he didn't have them when i first bought him. He's pretty calm until i get near the tank and he'll start to dart all over the place thinking he'll get fed. He's so adorable and i'd be very sad if i lost him after having him for a month.
I usually check the ammonia, nitrate, pH, and temperature levels daily and clean the filter weekly. Everything is in the right range. I read that cichlids can become pale after being stressed out. What could stress him out like that?