
Pale Skin good or bad?

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I am very pale and it never really bother me before. Lately everyone has been commenting on how pale I am and it makes me feel bad about it.

Do other pale people feel like this? Are there benefits to being pale?




  1. I'm told I look sick constantly and how 'bout this one, you look white, no, really, could it be because I am, lol. It does get on my nerves. I don't even consider myself pale, I have yellow/pink skin. Just because I choose to not fry myself, what, anyway isn't pale skin in now, it's definitely healthier, to stay out of the sun that is.

  2. If you are naturally pale skinned your 'friends' sound like a******s for making you feel bad.

    Being pale means you get more from the sun from any small exposure and it makes you look good if you like pale skin - which almost everyone does :)

  3. I get it all the time.  Don't bother going tanning like some people may tell you to do.  You're skin will look healthy and beautiful when you are older, unlike the girls who go tanning.  They will look all wrinkly and gross while you will look glowing and sunny :)

  4. Well, sometimes it bothers me (I am acne-prone and it seems like 98% of the foundations out there are too dark for me), but I know in the future, my skin and body will be thanking me for not being so careless.

  5. I am a "ginger":  red hair, pale skin, freckles.

    If you happen to be of the pale, freckling sort... there actually ARE benefits.  Freckling skin is caused by a genetic mutation that allows the person to better make Vitamin D from the sun.  Vitamin D is needed in order to for the body to process many of the vitamins and minerals we need, such as calcium.  Lack of Vitamin D from the sun in overcast winters is one of the main causes of the the famous winter blues many people suffer.

    Being pale simply due to lack of tanning and sun exposure is definitely something to be proud of.  You will look 30 at age 45, while all your tanning peers will have skin like leather and wrinkles galore!

    Besides any of that, even if you're just pale (without the freckles), your natural coloring works better than anything you can fake.  You may think you're getting unpleasant comments on paleness now... try putting on a bronzer for a day or two.  Chances are you will get even worse/weirder reactions from people who think it doesn't match.

  6. i'm pale and i honestly love my skin color. but everyone things i'm white, and i'm hispanic.

  7. be proud that you're pale.

    there are many people that bleach their skin to be pale.

    pale skin is flawless, unlike heavily tanned skin that is like an old, beat up leather hand bag.

    people at my school harass me because they don't like my pale skin.

    i love my pale skin, and i'm a redhead, so i'll never have a tan (unless i try really hard). but i don't want skin cancer. ;o
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