
Palestine or Israel: Who should the atheists support?

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What justification do you give for your support of your side?




  1. Falastin, of course.

    We have the right, oh mother, we want to bring our home back

    Hand in hand, and arm in arm, we will protect your land, Palestine

    We will pray in Al-Aqsa and the Church of the Nativity, Islam and Christians

    We will liberate Palestine, the Land of Religions.

    And we will build Jerusalem of the homelands.

    We are the sons of glory, oh mother

    We are Palestinians, we are not terrorists

    We are the students of freedom, we are not terrorists

    Oh Arab, oh noble son, your blood is in my blood and your business is my business

    Peace will be achieved through unity, oh my brother and cousin

    The land is Arab in history and identity

    Palestine is Arab in history and identity

    We will live in peace, oh mother, and our lives will not be wasted

  2. Israel is fighting against arab and islamic religious extremism that want to jihad the world and other extremists that just blindly hate.

    So you don't have to believe in G-d to pick up the cause for what is just and right.  It is enough to support Israel.

    Don't worry about the palestinians they were already given Jordan.

    ETA:  Jewish people have always had a population within Israel even while majority were in diaspora.  For instance, Safed had population 10,000+ during 16th century.

  3. Israel--because their people don't  yell "Allah hu akbar!"

  4. Atheist don't support, they tear down.

  5. israel, there is atheist political party in israel

  6. The atheists should support whoever the Pope of atheists commands them to. Either that or they should each form individual opinions.

    Who should the pasty chefs support? What about the toll collectors? Or are they not as monolithic as the atheists?

  7. Israel dousnt force people to believe in a religion, the "Palestinians" though persecute the Samaritans, Bahais and Christians in the West Bank and Gaza and push them to convert to Islam

  8. I, personally, fully support Palestine. Simply because a two thousand year old claim - which is the only basis for the "legitimacy" of the existence of Israel - is an outdated claim. If all countries were to fight for their "right" to their lands at 0 AD, God [wink] knows what would happen.

    Israel is the worst abuser of human rights, second to the cause of its creation - Hitler.

    As for the solution, I believe compromises must be made, but that's a whole different story.

    - Atheist, from a Muslim background. And no, it doesn't affect my view, I get my info from factually valid sources, which happen to be non-Islamic.

  9. Israel because its the Middle-Easts only democracy

  10. Atheists should support Palestine because the re-creation of the biblical "state" on the premise of religious supremacy for one particular religion (as Israel was) is an anethma.  

    Any idea that "God" gave certain plots of land to certain people is ridiculous.  That such a decree by some non-existant being should be used as a justification for massacring innocent people (that was how Israel was founded) is an affront to any concept of secular humanism or justice, as it denies the common humanity of all people.  So is the idea of the state taking legally owned land and property from people who have some other idea about "God" and giving it to those with the state's espoused religion, but that is Israel's founding principle and intent of its Zionist founders.  Atheists say all people should be equal under the law regardless of creed.

    Palestine had no preferred religion until very recently - and that only under pressure from the religious parties because the more secular party had basically supported the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land.  All religions are guaranteed equal rights under their basic law, unlike Israel.  Many Christians and atheists, and even a couple of Jews have served in ministerial positions in Palestine's political bodies, the PLO and the PA, many years before the first token Arab minister in Israel.  As far back as 1930 under the British mandate, Palestinians were demanding democracy with equal rights regardless of race or creed, but that didn't fit with the Zionist goals, which were to establish Jewish supremacy in Palestine - so the Palestinian non-Jews had to be gotten rid of.

  11. Support Israel's right to exist and right to self-defense while supporting the goal of a just peace for Palestinians in the form of a state of their own on their own soil.

  12. French people are generally irreligious, but from a political standpoint they side with Palestine.

    your turn to do a little research instead of asking random strangers on YA.

  13. if you are an atheist walking along a street and round the corner you see another atheist robbing the sweetness  out of honey making it sour and raping the innocence out of the beauty of virgins .palestinians had suffered years and years and the world is only looking with wide closed eyes to their suffer

    so who would this atheist support


    some suggests to support the only democracy in middle east ?????

    democracy is some thing far away than the reach

    if you have a closer look to the democracy there you then will appretiatre the democracy of zimbabway better

  14. Palestine.

    B/c Palestine isn't after the land for religious reasons (well, some, but not entirely). 'israel' is. I mean, their flag says it all. They're only there cuz "G-d gave it to them"

  15. Support your family and yourself,not Israel or Palestine. Religion or or lack of has nothing to do with it.

  16. there is no place named palestine,(Palestinian Arab nationalism is largely a post-World War I phenomenon that did not become a significant political movement until after the 1967 Six-Day War and Israel's capture of the West Bank.)

    google it, check on maps.

    there is however a great country named israel, it is the best country in the world, in all aspects, both in technology, culture, people and place.

    therefore i support a real place, not a make believe place, yes i am not religious.

  17. Palestine; their disenfranchisement is due to a scriptural-based land claim incorporated into Christianity,which is why protestant nations support the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

  18. Since I doubt half the ppl answering are atheists, therefore rendering their answers obsolete, I will give mine.  As an atheist, I support Palestine.  First off, one of the main claims that Israel uses is that God promised Israel to the Jews. Yeah, well, seeing as I don't believe in God, that doesn't work with me.  The jews left after the Romans and they hadn't eben there for a couple thousand years, during that time, the arabs had been living there.  You left for 2,000 some years, you can't just expect to get it back.  Finders keepers, losers weepers.

  19. The one with secular law, i.e., Israel.

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