
Palin, Obama, Biden, and McCain are all politicians who have never lost an election. Is that Historic?

by Guest45291  |  earlier

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For a Presidential race.




  1. Palin lost for Lt Governor.

    LEMAN, LOREN D. -- 21076 29.34%

    PALIN, SARAH -- 19114 26.61%

    TAYLOR, ROBIN L. -- 16053 22.35%

    PHILLIPS, GAIL -- 13804 19.22%

    WIELER, PAUL R. -- 1777 2.47%

    So, no, not historic or even true.

  2. biden and mccain have both lost primaries

  3. Bad is correct.

  4. obama only wins when he is running unopposed and people change the rules to suit him like they did with hill and michigan and florida changed the rules until obama was coronated oops I mean nominated so no its not that historic and doesn't take that much talent to run unopposed its the easiest thing in fact  

  5. Actually McCain lost his bid to the Presidency to Bush in 2000.

  6. Good point.


  7. None of these people have been in a presidential race before. Ask me if I have ever lost an erection. It's historic! Ehee!hee!

  8. No. It's wrong.

    In 2000, Obama lost a Democratic primary run for the U.S. House of Representatives to four-term incumbent Bobby Rush by a margin of two to one.

  9. Obama lost his first run for office.  Most people have.

  10. intersting little tidbit there.  I bet it is.  

  11. yes , especially since nader will win . they ALL become losers .

  12. Wow that is pretty historic.  I just realized that when you said it.  

  13. Interesting....but wrong.    

  14. McCain and Palin will maintain the streak after the November elections.

  15. McBush has lost Primary elections.

    Oops, forgot.  So did Biden.

  16. Palin lost an election for Lt. Gov. Biden has ran for President at least twice and lost...

  17. That's a bit interesting,but boring fact to know!

  18. Obama did lose respect

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