
Palin's BabyGate ... what do you make of it?

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There are rumors circulating that Palin's 17 year old daughter Bristol is pregnant and that a previous baby she had last April, Sarah Palin said *she* gave birth to, but the baby (named Trig) is actually her daughter's once again. What do you make of all this?




  1. Trig is Bristol's baby as well.  It's that simple.  There's a ton of evidence that supports this claim, but nothing is substantiated.  It's a rumor, but once mainstream media picks it up, it'll be confirmed.  

    OH BTW, John Edwards is the father!!!!!

  2. the baby is 4 months old. Bristol is 5 months along. Simple math concludes that Trig is not Bristol's child.

  3. Trig is not Bristol's baby, but the whole bunch of them do seem to be descended from rabbits.

  4. What do I make of it? We only have Palin's word that the daughter is five months along. It could be four, it could be six. So her attempt to stop the rumors about Trig will not be put to rest so easily. Palin was selfish to accept McCain's offer knowing full well her daughter was pregnant. What kind of mother throws their daughter to the media wolves by running for a high profile office like she's doing, knowing what the gossip mills and press would do to the poor kid? Palin should have put her family first and rejected McCain's offer.

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