
Palin's Divine War and Oil Drilling?

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So McCain's VP candidate, in her infinite wisdom, says that the war in Iraq, and drilling for oil, is essentially God's will. Does she really believe that God uses bombs and guns to kill, and machines to pollute and scar the Earth.

Does she also talk to God like the idiot in office currently? Are all republicans dilusional religious freaks...or just 99% of them? Do her and GWB sleep better by convincing themselves that murder is OK when you say that God approves it? I'd really like to see WHERE God approved these actions. Does he have a MySpace page or something?




  1. the God I pray to doesn't send people out to kill others. Although lets pretend, just for a moment, that GWB was following a directive from God. If God were truly involved do you think God would have been mistaken about the WMD's or that Saddam wasn't helping support terrorism?

    This attitude is in keeping with her other positions though. She supports stripping women of the right to choose what happens to their own body because she wants to ram her brand of religion down others throats. This is definitely in keeping with her gunsight diplomacy.

    I do have to give the devil his due and say that I do admire her abortion stand, she truly does stand up for he fetus's rights and wants to outlaw abortion without exception, even in the cases of rape and incest. Rarely do you see such blind resolve.

  2. That is EXACTLY what this election is about!! God Bless her!!!

    Our economy needs a boost by using OUR OWN oil, where we know it is----OFFSHORE!!! We cannot let the Enviro-n***s tell us to leave it and allow pump prices to rise to $10 a gallon as it will if there is no increase to the world's oil supply....we know that we have AT LEAST 3% of the world's oil supplies going completely untapped----WE NEED IT NOW while we follow McCain's plans to transition to wind, solar, and nuclear for the long term!!

    And championing the cause of human freedom is exactly what will make a difference in the world we hand over to our children!!!

    God Bless America and the McCain-Palin ticket!!!

  3. You hit the nail right on the head.

    It's quite bizarre, especially since Christ taught "turn the other cheek."

    More of this upside-down theology is on my bio.

  4. Name me one thing that is not dependent on oil.

    WE need to have it and be in control of it and in charge of our own destinies

    By the way read the Old Testament, God sponsored righteous wars all the time.

    I might add that God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah...wanna know why? Homosexuality and other sexual oddities basically but that is another story.

    I take it then that you want those fools in the mid-east in charge of our  energy supply?

  5. They want votes.  

    They say things and do things that will help them get votes.  For some reason, there is a large group of voters that like to hear the word "God" from their politicians.

    Meanwhile, the Republicans you mention feel that they are serving their God and country - regardless of what they do ... the war was a good example.

    If you take God out of Politics, it would be a much more holy place ... quite an irony.

  6. Jealousy is so unbecoming on you. I suggest a hearing test she included all natural energy as well. Yes we need to DRILL BABY DRILL! Step up your game dem's bashing women,babies and God not good debate material!

  7. But... But...

    God 'told' George W. Bush Jr. to invade Iraq...

    Dubya wouldn't lie would he??

    Oh wait...


  8. I am glad she was tabbed for VP. She will bring Christian values back into America. She will continue to press for leaders in Washington to use the Bible for guidance when dealing with issues in America today.

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