
Palin's Mother In Law "Uncertain" About Voting For Her?

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Faye Palin, Sarah's mother in law, says she doesn't know if Sarah is ready to be vice president.

If her own family doesn't think she's ready, should America be a little nervous?




  1. be afraid

    be very afraid

  2. She scares me. She believes in keeping the baby if you are raped or your father rapes and molests you. As a survivor or incest I am totally shocked, disgusted and sickened by her viewpoint. How can anyone vote for a woman who gets her kicks at killing wildlife and gutting them herself? I am stunned. I am afraid for all of you if you vote for this woman. She will and is determined to be in the spotlight. i am almost tempted to call off the election and tell everyone that this joke isnt funny. Now bring out the real VP that McCain is bringing in. I wish it was a joke. But its not. Think very carefully its the country and womens rights at stake.

  3. It's not her own's her mother-in-law! There is a BIG difference!

  4. My mother doesn't think I'm ready for whatever decision I make. Some people are just paranoid and shouldn't be taken seriously even if they are in the same family.

  5. your answer is YES, we should be- in the event something happens to mccain.. do we trust her to run the counrty.. ? NO..not i anyway!

  6. Well we know she is a great white hunter .lol but

    There are many  question that need to be answer about the Mayor from Alaska Palin .We know Gov. Sarah Palin has some baggage that makes her a pretty risky choice for McCain: she's embroiled in an abuse of power investigation, was for the infamous "bridge to nowhere" before she lied about being against it, is pretty cozy with corrupt Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens, doesn't exactly know what the vice president's job actually is, etc., etc.Palin is not ready to be president .

    OBAMA BIDEN 2008

  7. wow. that's a little scary. I mean my mother in law doesn't like me very much, but I have no doubt she'd at least vote for my... and my father in law and my sister in law. I'm glad I read that article, thank you. Now I know there's a purpose for Y!A

  8. My mother in law hates me too.

  9. Faye Palin just wanted national attention.  Just look at the way she's posing in that picture, that screams, "look at me, OMG I'm on the national news do I look good?"

    80%+ of us here in Alaska approved the way she has been handling her job as our governor.  That says a lot doesn't it?  A lot more than that lady.

    I'm more interested in Palin's grandmother-in-law than her mother-in-law.

  10. Wow, that McCain sure knows how to pick beauty queens, eh?

    Even the Republicans are speaking up against her.

    Even Buchannon who thought she was a supporter of him says she is not VP material.


    Just a note that the Alaskan news sources are much complete and much more critical.

    She seems to be involved in a couple of weird family scandals that read like really bad soap opera plots.

    Also she lied in her acceptance speech about having been opposed to the earmarks on the money for the Bridge to Nowhere.

  11. Well, it sounds like normal 'in law drama' to me.

    My mother in law and I tolerate each other but....

    She has been known to say katty things to/about me. I see a whole lotta bull on this one.

  12. Yes.  America should be very nervous.  The Vice President is a very important position.  Anything that John McCain does or says should scare the living daylights out of America.  The man is old, lets face it.  He has no business making his own decisions anymore.  The American people already decided that they were not ready for a woman president.  Was John McCain not paying attention?

  13. It is so obvious to me she can't even do a decent speech. i just hope Obama wins so we don't have this

  14. Family is like kryptonite. But consider the source, NY Daily News, oh bruzzer.

  15. well,  thats probably becuase she is pissed because when Sarah is vice presidnet she will be moving to DC and Grandma wont be around the kids any more. Plus most MIL's are against the DIL's.

  16. Her same critics said the same thing about her in Alaska, she isn´t ready to be governor, she showed them, didn´t she?

    Greatest approval rating as a governor, speaks volumes.

  17. Do you know her mother-in-law personally?

    I would hate to think that people would judge my character based on what my mother-in-law thinks.

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