
Palin's Speech will Call Iraq War "a task from God." Is Palin a Pentcostal Jihadi?

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President Bush has tried so hard not to frame the Iraq War as a Holy War of Christians versus Muslims and feed into Muslim terrorist recruiting efforts. Preliminary release of Palin's speech sounds like she is calling Iraq a Holy War. Will she soon be starring in Al Qaeda recuriting videos around the world?




  1. Those religious fanatics are going to get us motivated big time

  2. how do you know this. did you read her mind. did you go into the gov office and stole a look at her speech?

  3. Does Palin not understand that this is one of the MAJOR sore points the folks in the Middle East have?  This is one of the factors fueling the hatred of the USA is Arab perception that US action in the Middle east is a new Crusade to get rid of the Arab and Muslim culture.  She needs a new perspective or at least a refresher course on World History and better understand her responsibilities - you can not use 'God' or 'missions from god' on the international political stage!  Her statements are pure jet fuel for the Jihadist and Al Qaeda.

  4. Somehow, I don't think she will go there now that she is supposedly veep material.

  5. If what you say is true, I will question whether she is sane or not.

    The Iraq war is about Oil, and about GWBush finishing the job of GHWBush.

    She needs to be careful not to insight a holy war.

  6. It will be yet another lame excuse for the lies told to the American people on reason for attacking Iraq.

    1. WMDs

    2. Al Qeada bases

    3. Saddam was a bad man

    4. Need to liberate Iraq

    5. Must stay until mission accomplish

    6. Task from God

    Republicans have honed their lying skills to this tactic.  Think of a catchy phrase, distribute talking points to all outlets, keep on repeating the points until the people believe they are actual facts. When the smart people figure out the lie, change the story and start all over again.

  7. No

    and the word is " jihadist"

  8. 90% of religious people are insane

  9. That is a speech she has already given to her local church....those are her views, but I doubt she will bring up any of her radical views at the RNC.....

    Her pastor, Brickner, described terrorist attacks on Israelis as God's "judgment of unbelief" of Jews who haven't embraced Christianity.

    "Judgment is very real and we see it played out on the pages of the newspapers and on the television. It's very real. When [Brickner's son] was in Jerusalem he was there to witness some of that judgment, some of that conflict, when a Palestinian from East Jerusalem took a bulldozer and went plowing through a score of cars, killing numbers of people. Judgment — you can't miss it."

    Palin was in church that day, Kroon said, though he cautioned against attributing Brickner’s views to her.

  10. The sad irony of Islamic Christian relations is that Jihad and Crusade have similar meanings in both cultures.  In most cases neither implies violence, but we see each other through the effects the worst of us have had on the other.  

    Besides I think the Pentecostal Jihad will probably be directed more at the folks here at home.

  11. I hope that excerpt is way way out of context.  However if she becomes the poster child of Al Qaeda it will be their worst nightmare.  Palin is pretty good with a gun!

  12. I read that, just what we need another religious extremists.

    She is and has been an evangelic christian, for many years.

    Reading some of her lines gives me cold chills.

    Yes, she call the Iraq war a holy war and it is to her Christians versus Muslims.

    The only other worse pick would be Ann coulter, why hasn't someone assassinated her yet.  I never dreamed she would live this long.

  13. Unfortunately, Palin's view of the Iraq war does seem to paint it as one Christian bloc fighting for cultural imperialism against a Muslim bloc. No matter how secular our troops have been or how barbaric the Islamic terrorists are, her opinion is damaging.

    Sadly, her quote could have come straight out of a textbook on Jihad, if she had been a man and replaced "God's plan" with "Allah."

    Can the Republicans stop calling wars holy or part of "God's plan?"

  14. Wow! How'd you get ahold of her speech before ABC?

  15. She isn't yet?

    Wasn't she voted Ms. Taliban of the World in the

    last video?

  16. And how is it you are so privy to Governor Palin's speech.

    Your question is ridiculous. Where do you people get this stuff?

    McCain/Palin 08

  17. Wow you are good at twisting words around.  And yes, I do believe freedom of reiligion is a task from God.  Something Islamic states do not give their citizens.

  18. A radical religious zealot brought what happened in NYC on 9/11 upon us, we do not need another religious zealot fanning the flames.

  19. No Doubt! This woman is a horrible choice for VP, she cut funding to Alaska Help Groups that support unwed teen mothers and now her own daughter is an unwed teen mother... Her anti sexual education stance should be clear evidence that she is not ready for an office in Washington.

  20. Governor Palin is a neophyte politician who hadn't given being VP much thought and  said that she "really doen't know what the VPOTUS does"

    McCains judgement in picking her was bad.  Governor Palin is in over head.


  21. all the libs' worst fears are going to become a reality tonight. Can't wait to hear the new gal in town rip the radical left a new one. And I'll bet I'm not the only one who thinks so.  

  22. If she actually does that they will lose what few moderate Republicans they had left.

    "Switching to the war in Iraq, Palin told the group of students that they should not only pray for men and women in the military but to make sure the leaders of this country are sending U.S. soldiers "out on a task that is from God. That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God's plan." ~


  23. God and war = Oxymoron

    Jesus did not advocate going to war with Rome 2000 years ago. Only God can truly defeat evil -but the Republicans want McCain and Palin to do what God has not done so far for Gods own reasons.  

  24. Yes, that's exactly what she is!

  25. Why don't you listen to her speech first genius.

  26. Well, let's face it....Palin's not the brightest thing around. Should be fun, though.  

  27. Let's give her a chance and quit speculating what she will say. I can't believe what comes out of the mouth of the Demos.

  28. It is the holiest war we've fought in a long time.

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