
Palin's daughter getting married at 17! Is this a sign of Palin's problem solving ability?

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Palin's daughter getting married at 17! Is this a sign of Palin's problem solving ability?




  1. Maybe they want to get married. What should she do. Kill the baby and pretend it never happend. No that is what a liberal would do.

    Married parrents. Imagin that how wierd.  

  2. family values?

  3. Because getting married always solves an unwanted pregnancy... Yeah I will make sure to teach my daughter about s*x, and get her condoms and the pill just to make sure she doesn't have this problem. Republicans are real problem solvers aren't they... We see how they have solved our addiction to oil, addiction to fiscal responsibility. Republicans = Hypocrites

  4. I bet she is only doing that because her Mom is forcing her.

    And she is probably only pregnant because her Mom beat it into her head that contraception is a sin.

    Thanks Mom.

  5. Solves the problem of getting another brat out of the house.

  6. I think it is wonderful. I've always enjoyed shotgun weddings.

  7. No! I'm getting married and im only 17!

    She could be in love you never know!! i truly love my future husband to death i wouldnt trade the world for him!! you never know how ppl feel!!  

  8. DOESNT take a takes a parent who can handle their own problems and a government that stays the xxxx out of the way

  9. Is it also a reflection of the type of upbringing Obama got from his mother. What kind of values did she teach him? She was an unwed teenager when she got pregnant with him.

  10. Exactly.  Palin can't even get her own problems straight.  Is this what we want in the White House?  A woman who can't even raise her own children properly, and who is under investigation by her own state???

  11. she never said WHEN her daughter was getting married only that she was.

    She could very well wait until the baby is born and she is 18 before she marries.

  12. Let's see. Did Palin get her daughter pregnant? She's supporting her in her situation. What else would you have proposed she do after the fact?

  13. Was Michelle Obama "punished" with two babies?

  14. It's a sign of some of the Obama supporters opportunistic desperation to make a point.  

  15. What would you prefer?

    It's unfortunate people are jumping on this situation with Palin.  If it were with Obama's children, I'm sure any criticism would be deemed inappropriate because it's a family matter.

    ps. Obama's mom was 18 when she had him.

  16. She is going to get Married until after the child is born.  That's more the Moral party bull.

  17. My wife & I were married at 17 & 18 (Yes, she was pregnant). We raised 3 kids, I went to college nights & worked during the day. I became an engineer & she operated her own business for 20 yrs. After more than 30 yrs we still love each other & we're still married. Some people are lucky, they find their true love early in life. Don't knock it.

    Edit: PS. I forgot to tell you about our kids. The oldest is a sucessful contractor, the middle one is an artist married to a spine surgeon and the youngest one is an attorney in NYC. We are proud of all three.

  18. Hello?? Testing 1   2   3

    Many daughters of wonderful mothers are getting married at 17. Many are having babies, Many are in love.  I respect all mothers who are raising 5 children, RESPECT, Who are you to judge?


    I thought so.

  19. No, it is a sign that she and her daughter are human. People make mistakes. If her daughter wants to keep the baby and get married it is her decision.  

  20. Which Palin?  The daughter?

  21. Look Anna even Obama said this is a family matter and private,so keep your nose out of Family affairs! How did you turn out,not very well but was that your Mothers it is your fault,so clean up your own life before you immaturely judge others! Mccain/Palin 08

  22. I have more of an issue with her claiming her daughter made the choice to keep it and get married.I find it very hard to believe a staunch pro life republican let her daughter CHOOSE to have the baby and get married.

    Doesn't really make much sense.Im also kind of puzzeled as to why anyone with all the issues she has going on, male or female, new special needs baby,17yo having a baby, under investigation for corruption would even think of accepting such a prestigious position. This has nothing to do with male or female but priorities

  23. The end of the empire for Abstinence only education, when their fiercest attackers own child gets knocked up before she is 18 let alone married.

  24. Do you think your parents should be put down and publicized because you made a mistake? She is being mature about a horrible mistake she made by marrying the father of her baby. And it is not about what Palin has taught her daughter, because I know you didn't do everything your parent/guardian told you.

  25. NO, it's a sign of accountability and responsibiity. Unlike the 4,000+ unborn American children silenced ea. day by our "compassionate" liberal friends from the past 40 yrs.

    Number of Abortions Performed in the United States      

                      (AGI)            (CDC)

    1973       744,600       615,831

    1974       898,600       763,476

    1975    1,034,200       854,853

    1976    1,179,300       988,267

    1977    1,316,700    1,079,430

    1978    1,409,600    1,157,776

    1979    1,497,700    1,251,921

    1980    1,553,900    1,297,606

    1981    1,577,300    1,300,760

    1982    1,573,900    1,303,980

    1983    1,575,000    1,268,987

    1984    1,577,200    1,333,521

    1985    1,588,600    1,328,570

    1986    1,574,000    1,328,112

    1987    1,559,100    1,353,671

    1988    1,590,800    1,371,285

    1989    1,566,900    1,396,658

    1990    1,608,600    1,429,577

    1991    1,556,500    1,388,937

    1992    1,528,900    1.359,145

    1993    1,500,000    1,330,414

    1994    1,431,000    1,267,415

    1995    1,363,690    1,210,883

    1996    1,365,730    1,221,585

    1997    1,365,730    1,186,039

    1998    1,365,730        884,273*

    1999    1,365,730        861,789*

    2000    1,312,990        857,475**

    2001    1,303,000&     853,485**

    2002    1,293,000&

    2003    1,293,000&&

    2004    1,293,000&&

    &AGI estimate

    &&NRLC base figure

    *excludes NH, CA, AK, OK

    **excludes NH, CA, AK


    4,000 each day

    AGI - Alan Guttmacher Institute (Planned Parenthood)

    CDC - Centers for Disease Control

    NRLC - National Right To Life Committee

    CIRTL - Central Illinois Right To Life


    AGI - Alan Guttmacher Institute (Planned Parenthood)

    CDC - Centers for Disease Control

    NRLC - National Right To Life Committee

    CIRTL - Central Illinois Right To Life

    (when will we start accepting responsibility for the 40 million Americans silenced since roe v. wade)

  26. Wow, can you imagine if all the girls who got pregnant married the fathers of their children.

    Let's see you would have a Mother and a Father for the child, that's a pretty good start.

    Man if only you could promote that concept more often maybe we would have a lot less single parents looking for help from the government.

    Unfortunately I don't think big government wants men to mess up the welfare system by marrying the women and taking the role of Daddy away from Government.

  27. No, it's a sign of her ignorance and hypocrisy.  

  28. Mind your business and stop worrying  about Palin's

  29. Yeah, she's a dirty girl, just like that disgusting pig Mary, she was what 15?

    Thanks Ozo, forgot about Obama's momma getting knocked up with him when she was 17, unwed.....

  30. Well, good thing for that baby it wasnt one of Obama's kids, because he wouldnt want them to be punished with a baby.  Sounds like Palin has better problem solving skills than Obama

  31. It is a sign that Sarah Palin is detached from reality and may be a vain narcissist.

    For Governor Palin to accept McCains offer to run for VP disturbing.

    How Could She subject her 17 year old daughter to humilating public ordeal ?   The girl is a child herself is entitled to privacy.

    To top it off, Palin just gave birth to a special needs baby and her attention to her infant will (& should) dominate her full attention.

    Governor Palin seems to be consumed with her celebrity.  She doesn;'t seem to understand what her responsibilities are and doesn't seem to care.

    Governor Palin is all about ME ME ME and she seems like a vain narcsisstic sorority girl.  

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