
Palin's daugther NEVER once stumped for McCain or her mom or gave speeches, so why are they attacking her?

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Palin's daugther NEVER once stumped for McCain or her mom or gave speeches, so why are they attacking her?




  1. We're (Dems) are not attacking her.  This has been answered dozens of times in the past 2 days.  You can check my Q&As for quite a few examples.

    I find it interesting that we keep explaining how we are not attacking the daughter, explaining the distinction, but Republicans like to ignore that and keep repeating that we are attacking an innocent girl.

  2. Chelsea did and they accused Hillary of pimping her.....These people well do anything to get Obama elected, he just can´t win it fair and square on his own merits.....So sad...

  3. Hasn't this already been asked?

    Man, I'm so over this!

    How about asking something that involves real issues and problems facing the citizens in this country - jobs, the economy, gas prices, the wars (yes warS, we're still in Afghanistan, too, for those who seem to have forgot), national security, gun rights, health care, and so on!

    Just a thought.

  4. To the ones arguing that they are just using it because of her family values stance...that is stupid.  Bristol's pregnancy in no way compromises thier values nor does it make them hipocrites.  Frankly, it highlights thier values more than anything.  Yes...Palin is pro-abstinance and is probably very dissapointed that Bristol made a bad decision and ignored that advice.  She is now dealing with the consequences.  She having the child...the father is staying involved..she's trying to build a life...and her family is showing compassion and support.  To me, everything they have done has been proper and completely in-line with thier values.  What would have been a "proper" response to you guys?  What would have been the "family values" response to you?  To disown her?  Throw her out of the family?  Crucify her publically?  Stone her to death?  What?  Or is it that people who believe in traditional family values are expected to have absolutely perfect faultless lives?  Noone who believes in traditional family values has ever claimed to be perfect.  They just strive to live up to moral standard...sometimes people fall short...make mistakes..have bad decisions...they recognise this fact.  When it happens they don't condone the action, but they still love and support that person and try to get them back on the right track again...that IS family values and, from what I've seen, that is exactly what they are doing.

    ...and about it being Palin's fault for "thrusting" Bristol into the spotlight.  That is also BS.  She had no choice in the matter.  She knew her family was going to be in the public eye and it's kind of hard to keep a pregnancy hidden.  Trying to hide it would have caused more damage to both her and Bristol than simply releasing the info on thier own terms.  She had to put it out....and as far as the comments about how she's a bad mother for taking on such a highly demanding job instead of raising her children..blah blah blah...BS.  She is no different than any other presidential or vice-presidential candidate that has children ever.  You could just as easily be saying "Oh, how can Obama be running for President with his small children?  Man, he's such a horrible father!".  But noone says that because it's an equally stupid thing to say.    

  5. she is not being attacked.

  6. I'm not saying that it is fair for Bristol to be attacked, but my husband and I both noticed that when McCain and the Palin clan were up on stage (the one time we watched any of that RNC stuff) Bristol was holding her baby brother right against the front of herself, vertically,  like she was hiding something. Now we know what she was hiding. I think they thought no one would notice how odd this looked. From the side view, you could sure tell she was pregnant. I thought it would have been more appropriate for the dad to be holding the baby as he appeared to be much stronger than the 17 year old girl. I don't blame the girl, she's just a child. Mom's idea, I think.

  7. nobody's attacking her! don't be's the mother who was irresponsible enough to let it happen.

  8. Because the liberals will use anything that will speak to the weak-minded that want to find faults in the Republican ticket so they'll feel better about choosing Obama. Nevermind that it has very little to do with the candidacy. Nevermind that Obama himself doesn't condone the attacks. Nevermind that no one really can know for sure why or how it happened, they'll just assume it's Palin's fault because that's the most convenient "truth" for them.

  9. The more they attack, the more they are infuriating the average person and it will backlash into votes for Palin.  I say let em go and show their true colors, they have already embarrassed the Dem party.

    Democratic Party - Primarily, a belief in State-Socialism heavily tempered by State-Capitalist beliefs along with some anti-nationalist, anti-religious, and pro-environmental tendencies. They favor control of the government by 2 parties, that way they can have somebody to blame when things go wrong. Enjoys block votes from g**s, teachers, blacks, immigrants, welfare recipients, members of the press, NAACP members, environmentalist, pro-choicers, Union leaders, and people who hate Republicans. (I'd also like to add Hollywood and Recording Artists, but I guess that's all included under unions)

  10. Obama said not to attack her and if anyone on his staff did they would be fired.  So if anyone is attacking her, its is not coming from the candidates.  

  11. People couldn't find any bad in Sarah Palin and they see her as a threat, so they started picking on her teenage daughter. That's really low. And it's not Sarah's fault her daughter is pregnant outside of marriage. Had the daughter listened to her mother and practiced abstinence, she wouldn't be pregnant.

  12. No one is attacking the girl. Geez.

    We are attacking the abstinence only approach to teaching kids about s*x. You can't just say, "don't have s*x" and then send them on their merry way.

    Europeans are much more open about teen s*x, and as a result they have far less transmission of STD's and far less pregnancy's among teens. They actually inform kids about s*x and make condoms and BCP available to them. If we as a nation keep our heads buried in the sand when it comes to the FACT of teen s*x, then we can expect to see teen pregnancy continue to rise.

  13. I have learned that folks tend to lash out at those they fear.

  14. Who is "they"?

  15. They are mean and angry.  

  16. I really can't get this drama !!! Why  would you accept mccain offer when u have skeleton in the closet ? what kind of mother or just up ambitious blood sucking vampire are you ? you have a down syndrome child at home just go to your family !!!!!! God ! There you have her giving speech and her oldest holding the baby , i wonder now if it's the one that's pregnant and was trying to hide it . Just a bunch of hypocrite !!!! That convention was fool of hypocrite !  

  17. Hello elo elo , is brian o'leary in there, just nod if you can hear me, is there anyone at home ome om.

    WTF boy what do you mean no one is attacking her?. Your mom is irresponsible for letting you stay up so late.

  18. No ones attacking her, but CLEARLY the message of just wait until you're married is unrealistic and shows, come on let's say it together, poor judgment skills.

  19. I agree with Obama.  Leave the kids out of this.

    But you have to understand, that the NeoConservative side of the republican party has been viscous with "swiftboat" tactics and character assignations.  Speaking of which, remember when McCain was running against Bush in 2000?  After he beat Bush in New Hampshire a smear campaign was created against him.  South Carolina voters were asked if they would vote for McCain if they knew he had fathered a black child?  Bush supporters circulated fliers of McCain the "*** candidate."  The Bush campaign started rumors that McCain had come back from Vietnam with a "s***w loose" and couldn't be trusted with nuclear weapons.

    We all remember what they did to Kerry with the "swift boaters" and how about getting Bill Clinton impeached over a private sexual affair?  And speaking of personal attacks - what about all the garbage talk about Obama being a Muslim, hates America, etc etc etc.

    So while I agaree with Obama on this, I understand why the attacks are happening.  Neither party has any claim to rightiousness on the "personal attack" issue.  It's a dirty part of American politics that I hope Obama will at least try to put an end to, but until he does - there will be mud.

  20. I don't think they're attacking her. they're talking about the mom, who supports abstinence only in school so they're using this to say it doesn't work.

  21. The media is talking about it . There is nothing new about that look at Jamie Spears

  22. Because the Democrats are still very befuddled by her and don't know what to do, except trash her family, classy people that they are......

  23. Oh, hello there!

    I have noticed that the American Left, in addition to earth traits: "ignorance" and "bias", also heavily display earth trait: "hypocrisy"

    R2 concurs.

  24. Dems, lets lay off the kid for making a mistake. It's not her fault that McCain foolishly selected her unfit mother to be his VP. The same mother that preaches abstinence to kids while her daughter is having the time of her life in the back of a Lexus. No but wait it gets better. McCain then lied about knowing about the pregnancy and still made her his choice. Does he really think people believe that c**p? Is he a complete idiot? And after demonizing Obama, Swift boating him and painting him as an American hating Muslim, discrediting him and his wife, what do you want pity? Reps crossed the line of decency a long time ago.  

  25. When you run on family values, your family becomes an issue. Live by the sword and die by the sword!

    Accept it and quit whining!

  26. Because they want to p**s off Real voters.This is exactly what they are doing.

  27. When you run with the so called "values and morals" party and don't practice what you preach, then there's an issue.  The kid has nothing to do with it.  If this happened with the Dems, the Repubs would have a field day.

  28. because its just another plus for Obama.

    The media likes Obama; they liked Kerry && Gore too tho =D

  29. sometimes ignorant people don't know what to say and they think picking on the weak and young makes them look important and smart. sad is not this?

  30. Nobody is attacking the daughter.

    We are attacking her Bimbo mother for dragging the girl through a public ordeal

    We are attacking her Bimbo mother for fraudulently portraying her family as "wholesome" when they live quite differently

    We are attacking her Bimbo mother for preaching Xtian values such as abstinence .... and then well...... I guess Sarah Palin isn't a very good teacher.

    Sarah Palin is a hypocrite for talking one way and living another way.  

  31. Because they see Ms Palin as a serious threat.  

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