
Palin's experience; why do Republicans/Conservatives now use Obama as a standard? Are they now hypocrites?

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What's up with Republicans and Conservatives? Every time they are pressed on whether Palin is experienced enough to function as President should the need arise, they frequently frame their response by stating that she is far more experienced than Obama. But that isn't the point, is it?

The McCain position has always been that Obama was not ready to lead the country. Now they are consistently making the argument that Palin IS ready (should she need to be) by highlighting that she has more experience than Obama. So their argument is now: Obama had zero qualifications, and Palin has more than zero, therefore she is ready. What? That makes no sense at all.

If their entire argument was that Obama never had the experience in the first place, you can't use him as a reference point for how much experience one needs to run the country.

Now, there argument does work if they were to admit Obama does have enough experience. Then they could say: Obama has just barely enough, but Palin has far more.

Let's frame this mathematically:

A person should have X amount of experience to run the country.

Obama has (X - 10) experience: he is 10 points away from being experienced enough to run the country.

Palin is greater than Obama, or: Palin > (x-10).

However, this does not prove that:

Palin >(x-10) is equivalent to Palin = X. After all, Palin could be (x-5) and (x-5) does not equal X.

Since Republicans/Conservatives don't truly believe Palin = X, they only frame their argument that Palin > (x-10).

Once again, proof Conservatives/Republicans don't think things through.




  1. Silly liberal the Democrats are the hypocrits. You guys have been saying all along that Obama is quailfied but now you are saying the Palin isn't when she clearly has more experience that Obama.

    Just in case you are in that fantasy world that liberals tend to live in here is a comparison of qualifications.

    Palin's qualifications:

    She actually held a real job as a TV reporter.

    She has been a Councilman.

    She was the head of an ethics committee that actually punished violators (Democrats should take note of this)

    She was a mayor.

    She has been a governor for two years.

    Obama's qualifications:

    He was a community organizer who's supervisor has said that he accomplished nothing.

    He has been a Senator for 144 days and has over 100 "present" votes.

    He is a chair for a Senate subcommittee but has yet to call one meeting of that committee.

    Readers Digest version of Obama's qualifications:

    Hasn't accomplished anything.

    Just one more example that Democrats/Liberals don't think

  2. what part of "Ms. Palin is not running for president" do you not understand?

  3. Yes, but they are extremely good at making jokes, ignoring issues, misdirecting analogies and being fools.

    For example - "wow, that sounds likes fuzzy math to me"

    or "But -1 times Palin > (x-1)  is - Palin > -(x-1) or  - Palin > -x+1  !

    or probably just the stand by "Palin went after unethical Republicans, so that proves she has all the experience required"

    I enjoy the old standard "Palin, being in charge of the National Guard, engaged in relations with Russia"

    or just "Palin is a good down to earth woman who had 32 years of political experience, including 5 years as class president of her  High School, and second winner up of being Mrs. Moosetown"


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