
Palin's fornicating daughter - McCain and the Pope ?

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how will john mccain look the pope in the eye knowing he choose a woman with a fornicating daughter as VP and tell him he is a Christian with good moral values when he allowed this national embarrassment to become VP..

this can't happen




  1. And who says the POPE is right, when it comes to christian values, what would he say to obama, after his speech, about abortions, the pope is catholic, makes a big difference!!!

  2. lol wow kinda reaching.give it up,obamas mamma was knocked up at 17

  3. Kids make mistakes. And those of us lucky enough to have kids who make it through puberty without making some major, long-lasting ones are mostly lucky. You do your best with your children, try to teach them well, and hope they make the right decisions. I'm willing to give her a break on that point.

    Personally, I'm more concerned with what kind of a mother chooses to expose her child to national scrutiny during such a traumatic time... and one who will likely be out on the campaign trail rather than supporting her little girl through the most difficult experience of her life. What kind of "family values" are those?

  4. Palin's fornicating daughter will deliver her a b*****d grand child in December !!

  5. Fornicating is maybe something you should do to yourself...........

  6. Baby Killer Obama must really be furious. Gov Palin knowingly and willfully gave birth to a baby deemed not fit. Now Bristol Palin is taking responsibiliy for her actions and not getting an abortion to make it all go away. Well, when Baby Killer Obama's own daughter gets pregnant he'll make sure that she sacrifices the first one on his alter of hatred. He has already foretold it.

  7. Another prime example of the open minded liberal and how quickly that thin disguise is completely discarded and the TRUE nature of some of the  left is exposed for the nasty, mean spirited bunch of power hungry, grasping hypocrites they are. In answer to your question, it's none of the pope's or your business. Now go wash your hands, you are dripping mud all over the place. You didn't sling all of it just then.

  8. John McCain does not answer to the pope

  9. I love how the responses attack liberals who don't use people's babies against them, many replublicans use the meaningless phrase "family values" yet these only apply to their opponents and they do attack opponents when their kid is pregnant out of wedlock or if the partner had addiction issues

    at least john mccain can say he chose a bigot

  10. no one is embarrassed about this, other than the fact that liberals are making this out to be something indicative of Palin and McCain's policy. So Ted Kennedy can get away with murder, Biden's son is a corrupt lobbyist, Edwards and Clinton can cheat on their wives, Obama can be friends with a racist pastor and a terrorist, but Palin's young adult daughter being pregnant is really that important?

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