
Palin's speech writer?

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Already the AP has published a story stating that Palin's speech was essentially echoing Bush because they used the same speechwriter. This is a lie - Bush's speechwriter is Michael Gerson. Mathew Scully wrote Palin's acceptance speech.

The unsubstantiated attacks have begun and the plane loads of reporters are landing in Alaska as I type this to sift through her personal and professional life for any thing that might possible be used to discredit her.

Do you think politics in general will ever get back to the real issues and concerns presently facing this country and stop the personal smear tactics?

This is a nonpartisan question - I'm referring to both sides of the isle.




  1. Two FYIs:

    1. The word is "aisle" not "isle."

    2. Matthew Scully served until August 2004 as special assistant to the president and deputy director of presidential speechwriting. He worked for President George W. Bush a total of five years, including 18 months in the 2000 campaign, and was part of the team that drafted the President’s post-September 11th addresses and every major speech of the first term.

    But when have facts ever stood in the way of a bad argument?

  2. that speech was blah!  I think that Bush wrote it himself!

  3. Unfortunately, the attacks are part of the game and whether or not you agree with her, you must admit that she did a great job moving the base tonight. I may not agree with her politics and may not vote for her ticket but I cannot help but admire a mother of five with the same problems as many other mothers, having the strength and the courage to accomplish what she has. It is sad that so many cannot disagree with someones politics without resourcing to insults especially in a Country that prides itself in the fact that our Constitution guaranties us freedom of expression. Think of this: If McCain wins this election, Sarah Palin will most likely be our next President in 2012 because if McCain wins this election, the Democrats are finished as a major Party!

  4. no, i do not think that this culture is ready for honest politics.

    i will vote for MCCAIN/PALIN

  5. Well since McCain pulled her out of his azz at the last minute, I'm surprised that they aren't asking for a strip search to find what else he has in there.

    What do you suppose would happen if Obama announced that his VP choice was Cecilia Birge?

  6. Tell ya what. YOU pick a VP that is NOT a "self styled hockey mom" mired down in scandal with 5 kids and one knocked up before age 18!

  7. The lamestream media has already selected Obama to be president and they are stacking the deck in his favor.

  8. c'mon!  Gerson is not Bush's ONLY speechwriter.  Matthew Scully has written speeches for George Bush, d**k Cheney, Dan Quayle, and Bob Dole.

    Before you attack, you should really do some homework.

  9. I don't really know much about the issue of speechwriters, but my first thought is you're looking at the wrong speech, and that the AP has better fact checkers than you. I think candidates personal lives should be put under the microscope. We want to know exactly what we're getting into. As for the ridiculous smears... they should end. Both sides say stupid stuff like McCain is too rich, or Palin has more experience than Obama. This stuff doesn't have much factual bases and just makes them both look bad and gets a knee-jerk reaction. We should stick to the issues.

  10. Only if we can resurrect George Washington.

    No, I don't see those days happening.

  11. actually that was the Obama camps response right after the speech

    “The speech that Governor Palin gave was well delivered, but it was written by George Bush’s speechwriter and sounds exactly like the same divisive, partisan attacks we’ve heard from George Bush for the last eight years. If Governor Palin and John McCain want to define ‘change’ as voting with George Bush 90% of the time, that’s their choice, but we don’t think the American people are ready to take a 10% chance on change,” said Bill Burton, Obama campaign spokesman.

    Shouldn’t hopenchange come up with some new talking points every so often? There’s no indication they didn’t come up with that response yesterday.

    A noun, a verb, and “George W Bush”.

    Note to Barack: Listen to Rudy. When you don’t know what to say, ASK JOHN McCAIN!

    by the way who writes Biden’s speeches, and does he get permission from them first to use them?

  12. No, and the simple answer is, negative attacks work.  Although, while they do, they aren't the only thing that matters.  Politicians always have more success when they give people a reason to vote FOR someone not just against the other guy.

  13. ER... most speech writers write for more than one person...

    has Scully never, ever wrote for Bush in his life?

    and speaking of issues... and the speech... why weren't there any issues in the speech?

    I've never heard so much talk about how great someone was (McCain) with no examples besides "he was a POW"

  14. WEll if someone is going to maybe run the country, don't you think reporters should go through their past?

    Maybe if they have something in their past that they can be smeared with, they probably shouldn't be in charge of the most powerful nation in the world.

    And no, people get elected because the masses are dumb and aren't interested in issues, they are interested in a circus. If you don't give the masses the circus they want, they certainly won't be voting for you. Look at Ron Paul.

  15. I generally think that candidates should write their own speeches as our founders did.  But that's wishful thinking in our technologically advanced state.

    It's easy for them to want to grasp at strings... her speech was fantastic.  But her delivery of that speech is what sold America.

    Palin is carrying Republicans to the White House on her perfectly sculpted shoulders.
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