
Palin's voice is strange, do you agree?

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She has, what sounds like, a Canadian accent! Do we really want a VP who talks like this?




  1. doesnt really matter what she sounds like. but what i dont understand. is that .... mccains wife sit there taking care of a  black baby. and mccain and his wife adopted two black kids.   does that mean he is looking for all the black votes and the woman votes. geez... and oh i forgot the old votes

  2. Sarah Palin has a wonderful voice. She will be the perfect VP.

    Maybe she should take all those liberal women posing as feminists hunting.

  3. not alot of difference btw her and Hillarys natural voice

  4. No, I don't agree. She sounded great, a great American. So we want a President (Obama) who stutters and stammers without a teleprompter? Don't think so.

  5. No, not strange at all.  She's from Idaho and that's what people sound like from the Upper Rockies.  She's an extremely good speaker.

  6. WOW...It's good that we are so focused on important things like the sound of her voice and her accent!  

    If it was all about vocal qualities, we should've electred Don La FOntaine before he passed on.....Now that voice would've put the fear of God in our enemies!!

    "In a world where...." :)

  7. Do we want a some one that does not know that the VP does are kills animals with clear shot out of planes , she gave $400.000 to kill wolves and bears out of planes.We have studied the wolves and bears and alaska for years.

  8. Her voice, her looks, and most importantly, her politics are superb.

  9. oh heavens no! a canadian accent? the horror! please tell me why her voice is so important?

  10. It sounds fake as cheap plastic, high pitch tones, emphasized draws... If Barbie could speak, I think she'd sound like her...  

  11. WOW. That's the best you can come up with? 'We can't have a vp that talks funny!' Shut it you sexist liberals!

  12. It's annoying as h**l isn't it?  And people said Hillary had an irritating voice.  Move over Hill, Palin's just taken that cake.

  13. Yikes - she's scary!  And she would WELL end up as President considering how old and ground up poor old McCain is.  That's double scary!

  14. strange thing to judge her by..

  15. I  can't wait to see the spoof on Saturday Night Live or Mad TV.  Her voice is quite annoying.

  16. She sounds like she has a stick up her ***. Or, maybe, a drill, baby!

  17. Sounds like she talks through her nose.

  18. what are you afraid of this women -- do you want her to have some southern droll that no one understands expect for the rednecks  

  19. "nuke-q-leer power" Enough said.

    It brings a smile to my face thinking about the "hockey mom" giving a State of the Union address if McCain should past. She could threaten our enemies with nuke-q-leer bombs.  

  20. her voice is very unpleasant

  21. She came across like a cheerleader to me....but I think its because they train beauty contestants to talk like that to warm up a crowd

    The other poster is right--if Barbie could talk, it would be her voice.

    LMAO@ td's!!!!

  22. Sounds Canadian your right. But i think accents are like that that far up north.

  23. Maybe you could start an uproar - it apparently doesn't take much.

  24. Mommy!!! Make it stop!!! This check sounds like a caribou in heat (at least what I think it would sound like). Man, if she was ever the VP, I would love to hear her try to speak to Ahmadenijad with that voice. I think they would give up the nukes just to have her stop talking to them.

  25. She's a woman. What do you want a transsexual with an Adam's apple? Get over it!

  26. No not strange. She still sounds like a nagging wife. Most women do.

  27. She is a robot and they are working to correct this.

  28. Lawd!!

    I just changed the channel after she came on. She's a nobody trying to get the womens vote. Not the sharpest knfe in the drawer. She didnt even write the dam speech.


  29. I thought it was interesting that the liberal CNN just said Palin "hit it out of the park."  And the liberal Chris Matthews called her "a torpedo"

  30. yes  we  do  better  than  a bitter  never been proud of america  and  a  racist  husband  with  terrorist  and  racist  friends

  31. Billy C and the rest of you Obamanites, I have a secret for you.  Come closer , I want to whisper it in you ear. Closer .  Closer.  NONE OF THEM WRITE THEIR OWN SPEECHES!!!  Get over yourself.

    Since when does anyone have any control of the natural pitch of their voice?  

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