
Palin: Can we ignore gravity -- It's a theory you know?

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Gov. Palin does not believe in either the theory of evolution or global warming. Why can't we just ignore gravity, too?




  1. I can be okay with her not accepting evolution because of the whole religious part of it, but not to accept global warming is just being ignorant.  

    I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up saying that apples fly up rather then fall down off trees lol

  2. You would expect that for someone to be well versed in the energy crisis, as Palin is being touted as such an expert, having years of experience iwth the Alakan oil industry, she should be solidly grounded in science.   But lately, it seems that GOP believe science is just another political party, who cares if the actual numbers show that even if all the gas and oil was sucked out of North Alaska, it wouldn't even begin to solve the energy crisis?  Palin seems totally clueless about this basic fact--from the way she talks, she seems to believe that the only thing stopping US from independence from forieign oil is political (read Democrat) resistance to driling oil in Alaska.  At least McCain had once strongly supported alternative energy sources, but his team now has moved so far to the right, I just don't see that happening.  To GOP today, science has become just politics as usual, if you don't like the numbers science is coming up with, take the matter to the people and let them vote on what the numbers ought really to be.

  3. Admittedly, and this is all the credit I can give her, both the theories of evolution and global warming do have a good deal of opposition.  It's just sad that anyone from that opposition would be chosen for a position as important as this.  Even Bush has had to admit to the fact that global warming is a very real danger that must be dealt with, even if he hasn't pursued anything to try to slow or stop it.  Whether or not she believes in these things will tell you what kind of funding she'll try to stop for the sciences, which apparently will be most of it.

  4. For that matter, why don't we just ignore economic theory too?

    That way we can set minimum wage at $1,000 / hour and everyone will be rich!!

    Then we can raise taxes on everyone, which would obviously improve the economy.

    And then, best of all, we can subject big mean oil companies to "windfall profit" taxes, and that will make energy less expensive.

  5. What does this have to do with the Presidency/Vice Presidency?  I don't really see how this impacts anything.

  6. I know your question was addressed to Governor Palin, but allow me to answer anyway.

    You are right in saying that theories are not always 100% accurate. You also rightly noted that the theories are based on smaller scale observations. The problem is when you wrongly extrapolate the theory to conditions outside the limits of the observations.

    It's like observing the points (0,0) and (1,1) and concluding that you are observing the line y=x. The thing is that you just might be looking at y = x^2 or y = 2x - x^2.

    Also like some others noted, some theories have been tried and tested. Some are yet to be tried and tested. Unfortunately, scientists don't make proper distinction. Instead they treat all theories as being equal. Most scientific theories can never be proven formally. Instead based on observations, the probability of them being right can approach 100%. Some are much closer to 100% (eg gravitation) than others (eg macro evolution).

  7. you're an idiot.  Gravity is a law that has been proven and can be tested and have its results replicated over and over.  Evolution is a theory and no one is able to prove or disprove it same for global warming.  While there is no such thing as a stupid question there are in fact stupid people who ask questions.  

  8. What about the theory of Global cooling that was big in 1970's ?

    Evolution theory was created so people would not to have to believe in God. There are so many holes in it. Our dating methods are warped by heat and pressure. Since most of the bones have heat and pressure applied, the dating of these are suspect.

    I would like you to find one hole in the theory of gravity.  

  9. People who haven't evolved in their thinking can understand difficult topics like that.  It would be interesting to have someone pose that to her and see how she responds (jumping off a building, perhaps - macbre joke, I know).

  10. Touche.

  11. How do you know she doen't?  Maybe she believes the reason we don't float away into space is because God made Earth love us too much to ever let us go.

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