
Palin Crazy when it comes to Abortion?

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Why wont she allow the incest and raped get abortion, it wasn't ther choice to get pregnant.

Well it was for incest, however just letting the baby be born, it will come out WAY WORSE the down syndrome, Kind of making the baby suffer...




  1. I agree.Some woman Plain is . after a woman is raped/forced  into s*x if she  become pregnant Plain wants to force her to have the child Force her to relive the pain of being raped

  2. She is crazy on many things, but abortion could lock her in the looney bin...

  3. Obama sure is.

    Palin gave birth to a special needs baby and Obama allows special needs babies to die of exposure in service closets.

    Obama & Live Birth Abortion

  4. Obama wants to kill babies that are born prematurely from failed Abortions?

    Who's crazy now?

  5. While i am prolife, I do think the woman should decide in cases if incest and rape or danger to their life. However criticizing her for choosing to love and take of her own child even though hes handicapped is pretty low. The abortion debate cannot be as black and white as some would like for it to be. I am by the way voting republican.

  6. Infanticide is a right!

    Obama/Biden '08

  7. idk shes crazy.. im not voting for McCain anymore.. I really like biden! im voting for Obama! wow McCain really showed how stupid he was for picking someone with NO experience..

  8. I am a pretty conservative person, but i am pro choice on abortion. A woman should be able to do what she wants with her body without the government telling her otherwise. It would be horrible if some young innocent girl gets raped and pregant and is forced to go through a pregnancy and labor. Abortion is a very complicated subject but bottom body my buisness.  

  9. Oh so because she respects a human life enough to give it a chance when the heartless won't, that makes her crazy?

    Hmmm.... aren't you glad your mom didn't abort you?

    And how is she a danger to women? She is a feminist that is against abortion....

    Besides is an abortion going to make a raped woman less raped? I don't think so....

  10. Palin represents what woman was ever meant to be. She's a caring being who fights for the lives of the innocent. It's not the baby's fault it was a result of rape. It's not fair to take its life. I respect Palin far more than any of the four P and VP candidates in this race. She's a wise woman who stands up for what is right.  

  11. She's one of those radical kooks who believes that human life is valuable and should not be taken lightly just because it's inconvenient. This concept really interferes with a woman's right to have uncontrolled, unburdened gratification. Really a dangerous concept. Contraception, abstinence and adoption are just such a hassle...

    And they're like, soooooooooo yesterday...

  12. Palin is a danger to women. She also wants to ban women who's lives are in jeopardy because of the pregnancy from getting an abortion.

  13. It's not the unborn child's fault that this kind of horrific things happen in the world today. If the mother does not want to keep the child,that is understandable,adoption is an accepted choice, but to end a life. Absolutely unacceptable no matter what.


    Yeah, could be people like me that kept your mother from aborting you.. Did you ever think of that?

  14. Timid Women Rarely Make History wins.

  15. Oh no dear, she is not crazy at all, crazy is Obama who has terrorists for friends, who has a wife who once said that for the first time she was proud to be an American, Obama is crazy enough to attend to a church were the pastor likes to say, G.D.A.  Obama is so crazy that he gave the OK to kill a baby who survived an abortion, to kill the baby because it had down syndrome. He used to attend a church where they preach hate to people..  I call that bizarre.. I don't know how many people he will  end up fooling, I sure won't be one of his followers..  I tell you this lady Palin is a saint compared to Obama.. She is a real mother, with real feeling for the little ones who no one wants to defend.. Give me a break...

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