
Palin = g**s can't marry but unwed teens can get pregnant?

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is that how it is




  1. Getting pregnant is a normal reproductive function. Being g*y is not.

  2. Are you against people having a different point of view than your own?

    The 2 issues are totally separate

  3. Unwed teens CAN NOT GET PREGNANT

    they are all practicing abstinance just like Palin said they must

  4. What a doltish question.

  5. Yup, Good Luck

  6. So you want to outlaw pregnant teens?

    We don't have enough prisons.

  7. Awww.......

  8. let me guess, you'd rather have g**s married and unwed teens having abortions? sorry, not me.

  9. Yes. The double standards of the Republican party continue to fester in this unqualified woman who was chosen for VP. What a shame!

  10. I would like to the the permission slip the Gov signed to allow her teen to become pregnant....THEN we could get her on something!

  11. Yaaawwwnnn

  12. Just curious--do you think Gov. Palin is happy about her daughter's choice to become pregnant?

    Come to think of it--do you think Gov. Palin had any input into the matter?

    I can understand your confusion, as dems typically are Borg-like in their thoughts and actions, and attempt to impose that on the rest of the population.

  13. That's an easy one -

    g**s getting married or not is a matter of legal recognition of the union..

    Teens getting pregnant is a matter of biology. No recognition needed.

  14. Unwed teens have been getting pregnant far longer than g**s having the right to wed.

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