
Palin New baby not hers?

by Guest55743  |  earlier

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Palin baby with down syndrome is rumored to be the child of her teenage daughter. She waited until she was 7 months pregnant to disclose her pregnancy and family friends and co workers could not tell she was pregnant. It was also found that her daughter was taken out of school the last 3-4 months of her mothers pregnancy. Makes you say hmmm. Look at the picture of the teenager. Looks pregnant to me. She is probably wearing form fitting clothing because in this picture she looks maybe 3-5 months pregnant and was hiding it from her mother. Palin is a small lady...She would be showing

Makes u say hmmm

Obama-Biden 2008-2016




  1. If she is hiding something as simple as that....What else does she have in her closet. Just proves shes a liar. Obama Baby!!!!

  2. No.  Of course she didn't lie about having a baby to cover up her daughter's pregnancy.  


    The Governor, a vocal anti-choice Republican, chose to return to Alaska to have her 5th child despite the following risk factors:

    1.  She was leaking amniotic fluid (her water broke) increasing the risk of infection.

    2.  She was 44 years old, a risky age for childbirth.

    3.  The baby she was carrying had known "special challenges" (down syndrome)

    4.  The child was one full month premature.

    5.  She flew from Texas to Alaska on a commercial airline (Alaska Airlines) while while leaking amniotic fluid, a 10 or more hour flight depending on the length and location of her layover.

    6.  She did not inform any of the airline staff of her condition.

    However, Gregg Erickson, a reporter from the Anchorage Daily News, told the Daily Kos that the rumors had been investigated and debunked.  

    So it appears that these behaviors are not those of a person faking/covering up a pregnancy but merely those of someone with terrible, terrible judgment.

  3. i am glad you don't believe that because regardless who the child may be that child is a innocent and should not even be referred to.

    an introduction was all she did like everyone else has in the election

    if this kind of rumors start obama camp who is spreading

    are really low life scum

  4. I just read this and I'm floored. I believe it's definitely a possibility because if you take a look at pics from her when she should have been showing she is clearly not & there is a picture of her daughter that looks like she is in fact pregnant. Students from her daughters school claim that she was pulled out for about 6 months for a persistent case of mono.  

  5. Go read up on chances of birth of down syndrome infants to women in their later childbirth years.

  6. Congrats!  This is the most ridiculous question of the day.

  7. You have received quite a few negative comments from people about your question.  Shame that people haven't gone to the effort to look into why you asked the question.  This narrow mindedness is precisely why McCain/Palin could still actually win the election (although I believe Obama will landslide it in).

    I understand why people may have taken offence to your question, however, the reality of what has gone on regarding this baby is very bizarre.

    Palin's 16 year old daughter was taken out of school for 8 months (reason:  mono), over the exact same period of the pregnancy.

    Palin announced the pregnancy in the 7th month, and NO ONE, not even her staff knew or thought that she was pregnant.

    The day the baby was born, Palin was in Texas.  Her water supposedly broke, but she stayed in Texas to give a 30 minute keynote speech.  Then, rather than going to the nearest hospital, she flew from Texas via Seattle back to Alaska!!!!  a 12 hour trip!

    She never told the airline nor the cabin crew that her water had broken!

    Then, when she arrived in Anchorage, she didn't go to the nearest hospital.  No, she travelled in a car for over an hour to a remote clinic!

    Does this sound like the action of a 44 year old mother of 4 other children, who knew the new baby suffered from Down Syndrome?

    The real reason is that a Down Syndrome child requires substantial medical assistance, which is very expensive.

    The Palin's aren't wealthy.  Their 16 year old daughter, Bristol, who's child it most likely is, could not afford to keep on her own.

    But, if the child was Sarah's, the governor of Alaska, her state funded medical cover would cover all the expenses.

    What we're looking at is fraud!

    Then, rather than come clean about it, Palin let the lie continue further and in her first address to the whole world, let's McCain tell everyone that she is the mother.

    This is the most outrageous situation!  Someone couldn't even have scripted how ridiculous this situation is.  

    Only in America.  

  8. I suspect that many babies with down syndrome conceived in liberal pro-choice families are not with us today.  

  9. pathetic...spoken like an uninformed idiot

  10. its her baby, but obama has this in the bag

  11. Just wanted to let you know I asked the same question and got ripped apart for it.. you're not the only one who is saying hmm and you are not ridiculous for asking such a question.

    Also, to add, young mothers are also more prone to have children with down syndrome as well.

    Not saying she did or didn't. It's just what is in front of me.

  12. makes me say - ohhh, stop iiit!  quit bein dumb on purpose

  13. Who cares who's baby it is. They kept him, that is the key word here, they did not abort him. And Obama didn't have the pleasure of letting him die. Your nothing more then a scandal monger. And you should be ashamed for yourself. Talking c**p about an innocent child, just to get a vote. Democrat for McCain/Palin 2008.

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