
Palin Supports Hunting Wolves "to increase Moose population" but she enjoys Moose Burgers? What's her point?

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Seriously, I'm really confused by this. If you want to increase the Moose population it doesn't make sense to slaughter them and eat them. Not to mention, if there are plenty of Moose for her dinner why kill the wolves? (Wolves need to eat too.)




  1. Study period is over go back to class

  2. Increase the moose population to have more burger meat. Duh.

  3. More moose means more moose burgers.

  4. Thank God your not old enough to vote

  5. You must live in the city where most people, think you just run down to the local Supermarket and pick up a pack of hamburger for lunch or dinner.  Just where do you think that hamburger came from.  If some wolves got into the cattle and started killing them, do you think the farmers would just stand alone and say, "Oh, Well the wolves need to eat to.  Just how long do you think the hamburger would last on the store shelves

  6. One word: hypocrite

  7. That is pretty funny.  

  8. More moose=more moose burgers

  9. Less wolves=more moose=moore moose to eat.


  10. Wolves eat Moose. Moose are tasty. Palin eats Moose. Wolves and Palin want Moose. Kill wolves. Eat more Moose. Why is this hard to understand?

  11. she wants all the moose for herself

  12.   Anyone whoever hunted knows that the wolves are good for killing the weak and sick moose.  The healthy ones are the ones the hunters kill.  The reason for the wolves kill is to let the big game hunters get a trophy.  They kill the wolves by flying over them and killing them by helicopter.  This is what is wrong with hunting.  I don't mind a hunter killing a aniaml they are going to eat but to kill for the thrill to kill is sick.  

  13. I haven't seen that quote, but I'll play it risky and assume you're a Democrat who actually tells the truth.  If so, let's ask you this:  If wolves were threatening the entire population of cows in the U.S., isn't it safe to assume we would do somethig about the wolves...and still eat hamburgers?

    However, if Democrats want to make this the election over moose burgers.....then so be it.

  14. i'm not quite sure

  15. Are you going to McMoosies on your lunch break?

  16. Less wolves ---> More moose burgers for Sarah Palin.

  17. If we kill the wolves then there will be more moose for us. It is simple....but dems do not understand logic.

  18. Seriously, what is your point?

  19. she's a card carrying member of the NRA--so what else is new--she's such a loser pick.

    OBAMA/BIDEN '08!

  20. wolf burgers aren't as tasty

  21. I am a democrat but I do know that hunting and hunters are the reason big game animals are still here. We hunters care about these animals and respect them more than alot of anti-hunters will admit.  

  22. Yea seriously,most of America has wolves at the top of their priority list.  (rolls eyes)

  23. Then moose have some use while wolves don't, unless you're going to start eating wolf burgers.

  24. Now that's an oxymoron statement.

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