
Palin. Was the presumtive father of the baby told, you have to marry her or will press charges of s*x?

by  |  earlier

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with a minor. She was 16 then.




  1. No.  Check the laws in Alaska.  16 is the age of consent.

  2. Learn to form complete sentences and questions before posting on here.  

  3. If you ever get married and have children, maybe you will understand what it is to love a child no matter what they have done.  Until that time has come for you (if it ever does), please to not continue to show your ignorance of family with your vain attempts to slander those you do not understand.  

  4. He said that he knew the age of consent in Alaska is 16. If the test shows I am the father I will do the right thing.

    I just wondered why they have not gotten married. She is 5 months pregnant already. Maybe she is not sure.

  5. Is it any of your business?

  6. Remember when Obama said this campaign would be about the ISSUES?

    ... neither do I...

  7. One would presume so.

  8. it was legal,give it up.

  9. Give it up...

  10. IT WAS LEGAL YOU DUMB F*CK! 16 is the age of consent!  Stupid r****d liberals.  I swear to God!

    Very mature... Going after a nominee's child now?  Wow, liberals have come to an all time low.  At least she didn't abort, like MANY liberals.  She is being mature, getting married to a man she is in love with, and going to raise her baby.  I highly respect her.

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