
Palin a good choice because of her small population state?

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I am wondering if Palin is a good choice for VP because she brings that small population demographic to the table. She has recently been involved in city and state politics whereas people in the Senate are more concerned with National issues. I think Palin would be able to bring new issues into light and be able to show Congress and the country the issues that the every day citizen face. Plus, why does everyone in Washington need to be from a big city or state? It's about time we get the "little guys" view.




  1. She may have small population but in land mass she covers more than Delaware. She got more votes for Governor than Biden got for running for president ha-ha The woman makes legislative decisions 24/7 on state and federal level more activity in this woman then Obama any day!! the only thing I hear neg. from Dem's is the slander to her family are you all scared ? This woman has pushed the Dem's button because the internet can't stop talking about her and the more neg. c**p on women the more Hillary votes you give McCain! McCain08'

  2. The state does not matter and shouldn't.  What matters is the ability to handle things beyond the borders of the state.  Let us be honest that although Palin is governer, it was only in Alaska.  Her national profile is nonexistent before recently.  There is more to a VP than managing people.  Just like there is more to doing the job of president than experience.  weigh the pros and cons of both.  

  3. Uhhh..

    somehow I don't think the "little guys" view will be of much benefit, if she ever should have to deal with North Korea, or other international issues.

    Perhaps her main draw is the anti abortion stance... but maybe up in Alaska, she missed the memo, that the Supreme court ruled on that, a few years back.

    But.. hey.. she is EXCITING.  And the ladies love her.  And the McCain camp says the media needs to stop asking all these questions about her.

    Ever hear the story of the Emperors new clothes??

  4. She's good choice because she has a vajay-jay and McCain thinks Hilary supporters are stupid and will fall for his gimmicks.  

  5. Yes it is just like it was when the democrats picked their last few VPs

    2004: John Kerry, a 20-year veteran of the Senate with no executive experience, chooses Senator John Edwards as his running mate.  Edwards was about to finish his first term in any public office, and while he sat on the Foreign Relations Committee, he missed most of its meetings during his tenure in the Senate.  He spent the last third of his term running for the presidential nomination and then running for VP.  Before entering the Senate in 1998, Edwards made a fortune as a personal-injury lawyer.  Experience level: Zero — no executive experience, no military experience, no foreign-policy experience.

    2000: VP Al Gore picks Senator Joe Lieberman.  We’ll get to Gore in a moment, but Joe Lieberman had 15 years in the Senate, preceded by eight years as Attorney General of Connecticut, an executive position.  Of course, in 2004, Democrats shrugged at Lieberman’s own bid for the presidency, opting instead for Kerry.  Experience level: Good.

    1992: Bill Clinton taps Al Gore for VP.  Al Gore had been in Congress since 1977, first in the House and at the time for five years in the Senate.  He had no executive experience, and indeed no experience at all in the private sector.  He quit law school to run for his father’s old seat in the House at 28.  Gore served in Vietnam, but had no other foreign-policy or executive experience.  Experience level: Low.

    1988: Michael Dukakis selects Lloyd Bentsen as his running mate.  Bentsen went straight from World War II into Congress, where he remained for almost 40 years before joining Dukakis and beating Dan Quayle like a bongo drum in the debates.  He had no executive or private-sector experience at all.  Dukakis, though, had been governor for three terms in Massachusetts.  Experience level: Fair, but all as a Washington insider.

    but when you have a letter next to your name that isnt the same as the distractors it all of a sudden things are not the same

  6. Small population but HUGE resources.  Note the Dems aren't saying much about how she helped take on oil companies to increase profits for her state.

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