
Palin and Troopergate- Why did her ex brother in law tazer a 10 year old boy?

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could this be why he needed to be fired?




  1. The issue isn't whether someone needed to  be fired.  The issue is due process and abuse of power.

  2. That was one of many reasons..

  3. A  quick review should convince anybody that the trooper is, indeed, a real rat. No wonder Palin wanted him fired. He has a long list of troublesome issues. I would have gone to his house and dragged him out and then kicked him up and down the street. One sorry sob.

    Palin went far too easy on this rat. He sure doesn't deserve to ever work in law enforcement again, anywhere. He brought it on himself.

  4. I read that he was 11.  The boy evidently requested it, but where does that end?  If the boy requested to beaten with a night stick, would the man have done it?  I doubt it, because he would have gone to jail.

    Don't forget that that state trooper also made a death threat against one f the people he is supposed to protect.  Up until today, most liberals were opposed to police intimidation.  Now, some of them think it's appropriate behavior.

  5. What does her ex brother in law have to do with her?  Please?  

  6. Out of curiosity, I looked at the city of Wasilla, Alaska’s municipal code. The two main responsibilities of its Mayor are directly quoted below:

    “1. Preside at council meetings. The mayor may take part in the discussion of matters before the council, but may not vote, except that the mayor may vote in the case of a tie;

    2. Act as ceremonial head of the city.”

    That is not the type of experience that I look for in a Commander in Chief. This is not the woman I want helping to lead this country. I will not support McCain in this decision.

    obama 08

  7. Yes domestic violence and abusive actions will get a police officer fired from their job .  

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