
Palin as Mccain's Vp pick a big way of pandering to women. Do you think it'll work?

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Mccain's claim about Obama's experience is out of the window now. Palin is under investigation, she served one term of congress (not sure what she had first term of but I know it was just one term) She has less experience than Obama. What are your views and do you agree Mccain is pandering to the Clinton supporters who wanted a woman president




  1. I did a little research to compare Palin’s record with Obama’s. Palin’s experience is comparable, but her accomplishments are much more impressive.

    From 1992-1996 when Palin served on the City Council of Wasilla, Obama was teaching part time at the University of Chicago Law School and working in private practice part time.

    In 1996 when Obama was elected to the Illinois State Senate, Palin was elected Mayor of Wasilla, AK.. Obama worked for legislation that would provide tax credits and subsidies to private devilopers of affordable housing. Tony Rezko received over $87 million in government funds to renovate and maintain affordable housing units, many of them in Obama’s disctrict. Many of these units lacked heat, had leaking roofs and were infested by rodents. Palin ran her small but growing city with a budget just under six million dollars and about 50 employees, and was reelected in 1999.

    In 2003, Palin was appointed to the  Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. When she uncovered corruption in the organization, and was unable to get Governor Murkowski to take action, she resigned in protest and filed charges again the offenders, taking on entrenched corruption in Alaskan politics, This fight led her to run against Gov. Murkowski in the primary, and then go on to become Alaska’s first female governor in 2006.

    In 2004, Obama was elected to the US Senate. The developers who had received government funding as a result of legislation sponsored by Obama served on his campaign finance committee. Many of the buildings they had purchased with government funding were seized for code violations, or foreclosed, and the low-income residents were forced to find housing elsewhere. In 2008, Governor Palin worked with the legislature to provide Alaskans a $1200 rebate from state revenues, and successfully arranged for the development of the Transcanada Pipeline to transport natural gas from Alaska to the lower 48 states.

    Certainly having a woman on the ticket may help McCain's chances with some voters, but I think if the Gov. of Alaska was STEVE Palin, a man with 5 children who had worked as a fisherman, moved up through city council, mayor, Oil and Gas Commission, and was elected Governor after going after entrenched corruption in state politics, he'd have a good shot at being McCain's VP. Palin is a reformer who's not afraid to take on her own party to do what she thinks is best for the people she represents. That's her appeal to McCain.  

  2. She wasn't in congress,you dolt.  She has executive experience.  She was a two term mayor and a governor.  Biden's son is under investigation as a lobbyist with ties to his old man.

  3. I think it'll work and the United States will have its first female President. McCain will probably be dead before his term is over (and possibly before it begins). Darn that McCain, I want Obama to win.

  4. Yep!

    The following was written to a friend of mine.  He is the father of a woman who has lived in Alaska for ten years.

    GREAT PICK for McCain,  As a 10 yr resident of Alaska , I can't think of a  better selection for VP. I did not hear  her name untill she was overwhelmingly elected GOV. I have a lliberal daughter, who is an attorney in Anchorage. She says that this recent mommy  has guts to say no to power brokers  in AK such as Hickel,Sheffield, Tony Knowles , to mention some names of shakers and  movers .I  suggest you listen to her and see for yourselves.  

    McCain's claim about Obama lacking experience still stands.  Even Hillary, Bill and Biden have been saying up until the last two weeks that Obama does not have the experience that it takes to be president.

    Palin has served two years, as the mayor of a city.  She has also served two years as the Governor of Alaska.  That, my friend, is experience than none of the other three candidates have.  She has had to govern, not just vote.  It requires payrolls and managing, which none of the other three candidates have had.  As the news described the job of a government, it stated that a governor makes more decisions in a week than a Senator has to make in a year.  It has always been considered a higher office than that of a Senator.  No, McCain is not pandering to the Clinton supporters.  He just chose the best possible candidate out there.

    Yes, there is an investigation into a situation that Sarah is really not involved in other than being the recipient of numerous phone calls.  Don't you think that McCain has the money and the investigators to checkout his VP's.  Well, she was well vetted and by the best.  Sarah welcomes the investigation, as she has done nothing wrong.

    Honestly, you need to do some research.  She is not serving in Congress.  She is the Governor of Alaska.  Sarah Palin has an 80 percent approval rating.  Now compare that to the 9 percent approval rating of our Democratic Congress.  Palin is the most popular Governor in the United States.

    Her husband works for BP.  Many people in Alaska do.  Her husband is in a non management job.  Prior to his taking the job, back in 2007, The Attorney General of Alaska sent her a document and a letter, stating that because her husband was non management, it is not considered a conflict of interest for her.  I cannot believe the wild posts that have appeared on here today about the exaggerated money that he makes.  He is a blue collar worker, not management and not a lobbyist.  LOL!

    ...And this is part of a quick note from John McCain


    My Friends, I am honored to announce that I have chosen Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska as my choice for the Republican nominee for Vice President. As a father with three daughters, I can't express how proud I am to choose the first female Republican Vice-Presidential nominee.  Sarah Palin is a trailblazer and a reformer. As the first female governor of Alaska, she challenged a corrupt system and has been a tireless advocate for reform - passing a landmark bill on ethics reform. She has taken on the old politics in Alaska and reformed the state's energy industry. She rejects wasteful pork barrel spending. She's fearless - exactly the type of leader I want at my side and the type of leadership we will bring to Washington.  


  5. Of course! There is not way a WOMAN could be QUALIFIED! Isn't that the Obama position?

    You Obmanites take the cake

  6. I don't know if that was his reasoning but if it keeps obama out of the oval office that is all I care about right now.

  7. While I never expected it, I think it was brilliant. She has way more experience than Obama. I think Obama lost the election today.

  8. I think that it's great for Obama/Biden ticket. Because by choosing a running mate with no foreign policy experience, his argument against Obama's inexperience is very weak now. Obama's running mate Biden is highly experienced in foreign policy. Therefore,Obama can lean on Biden to help him make decisions on foreign policy matters. As for McCain,he's 72 years old with a history of health problems. If he dies in office, then Palin will take over as president with very little foreign policy experience. If Obama ends up not finishing his term, Biden will be ready to take over as president because of his extensive foreign policy experience.

    But choosing inexperienced Palin for his running mate, McCain can't argue about Obama's inexperience. McCain's judgment can be really criticized now. first impression about McCain's pick is that he's targeting women voters including especially disgruntled Hillary supporters. However, her strong pro-life record won't sit well with the women that are prochoice. Her strong conservatism won't sit right with liberals. Therefore, his pick might actually backfire. His pick can be seen as insulting womens' intelligence too.

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