
Palin believes that CREATIONISM SHOULD BE TAUGHT IN SCHOOL!!! Who wants THAT in the white house?

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Has America lost its MIND???????????




  1. I do.

    And I want the ridiculous monkey story removed, at long last.

  2. Creationism should not be taught in schools.  Neither should socialism.  Take the lesser of the two evils.  

  3. As long as it's not the sole form of education in terms of theories on how the world was made, I think it's entirely okay. No one can prove the big bang and that gets taught, so why not creationism alongside that? Let people choose.

  4. Teach accepted science in schools, religious fairy tales at home.

    Edit:  HSMom:  Take your own advice and get YOUR facts straight.  That BS about the pledge and saluting the flag has been debunked long ago.

  5. Creationism is taught in every school in Britain. As are the creation beliefs of four or five other religions. As is evolution. That's science, the others are called religious studies, religious education, or theology.

    Believe it or not, the world does not end if kids learn what's in the Bible along with the Koran and the world's other major religious books. You can teach creationism without trying to make people believe it.

  6. So in other words we should just tear up the Constitution:?

  7. Nope, just the Republicans!

    But omg...I had not heard that.....I don't want that in the white house! I don't want it in my schools! Yikes!

  8. Alright well- I think, and I may be wrong, but I heard that she believes in Creationism being taught as well as Evolution.

    Believe me, I'm the biggest anti-republican in the entire universe, but I was raised going to Catholic school and honestly had NO idea what Evolution was until 9th grade- it was a really big, messy thing.. but I suppose it's not the end of the world if it's taught as a RELIGIOUS belief, and not a scientific one. I think it needs to be approached very, very carefully, but yes I do think America has lost its mind.  

  9. She doesn't believe that it should be in the curriculum, just that it shouldn't be a forbidden subject to even discuss.  Get your facts straight before you go shouting all over the internet about something.

  10. Presumably creationists.

  11. I wonder if they will put us nonchristians in reservations and take our children from us to be raised by the christian church like they did the native americans?     Food for thought....

  12. Me. Kids should learn about all religions to find the one they fit into.  

  13. yes evangelicals vote ...that is why Mccain selected Palin because she is a member of the Religious Right and she is the carrot to get the bible belt to the polls for them.

    We normal thinking people need to show everyone who is the majority...VOTE

  14. That is terrific! It's about time we got a balance in the science classroom. Let's teach all the theories, not just one man's. We don't need brainwashing in the classroom- we need to let the kids hear all sides of the coin when it comes to the theories about the beginning of the planet. That's the only politically correct and fair way to make sure their education is rounded. Thumbs up for Sarah!

  15. Blessings my sister! The answer to your question is yes, America has lost it's mind. The decline set on quite some time ago.

    Just another political tactic. Breathe in, hold, exhale long and slow.

    McCain had to do!

    This shall prove to be an interesting year to say the least!

    Blessings to you and yours!

    )o( trinity

  16. No, we haven't found it yet.

    Many people, most of my family included, don't believe in evolutionism. That's their prerogative, but until people stop thinking of evolution as a theory and more as an accepted component of science, this argument will continue. I think that years from now, creationism will be viewed in the same light as we now view geocentric theory.

    Also, to the commenter above me who mentioned preferring Palin over someone who wouldn't salute the flag or recite the Pledge of Allegiance, please get your facts straight. Obama is guilty of neither, and all you are doing is repeating lies perpetuated by chain emails and an uneducated electorate.

  17. I haven't heard that either. But I think they have totally lost their minds. She is way too Betty-Bossy and has very narrow-minded beliefs.

    And McCain - his entire speech was "Fight, fight, fight! Fight with me. Fight this, fight that. Stand up and fight!" He might as well have said that he hated people who aren't Christian and wanted to kill them all - that's exactly the impression I got.

    Anyway, could we have a little peace maybe? Do we want someone who all they know how to do is fight in the White House?

    My favorite McCain quote so far:  "We must catch up to History."

    Um...WTF? How does one "catch UP" to History? My hubby said if he stood still long enough, maybe history would catch up to him. I don't even know what that means. :oP

  18. that is totally fine. you have lost your mind. why is it okay for scientalogists to teach their beliefs in school when christians cant? is that fair? h**l to the no. its all a matter of opinion.  

  19. I am hoping the more she becomes known, the more all people will wake up to the fact she is not for US. No experience to speak of, a staunch pro-life supporter and yet belongs to the NRA, is that a contradiction or am I wrong? Couldn't the Republicans nominate a VP that had credibility, man or woman?

  20. I want to have s*x with apes. But I have a fear of getting arrested with a double charge of Incest and animal cruelty.

    Since there is no scientific proof that the ape is my relative, I should get off on that one. No pun intended.

    The creation theory is a religious belief, but so is evolution. It follows the same rules, like having all those unanswerable questions.

    If darwinism is real, why are there still apes in existence? Isn't the new species supposed to replace the old?

    As far as religion goes, what about global warming? Why is it okay to teach that religion, instead of the truth? Trying to make kids feel guilty for recharging their iPods and stuff. One volcano puts over 100 years of human polution into the atmosphere in 5 minutes. So all of your rediculous green faith tactics add up to nothing but inconvenience at the end of the day.

  21. I would like to see that in the White House, or in schools, or anywhere else for that matter. It's the truth and it's about time to teach our kids that we didn't come from apes!!  

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