
Palin bitchy, arrogant and vengeful, anyone else?

by Guest33857  |  earlier

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Does anyone else think in her convention speech she is incredibly bitchy sounding, and so arrogant and vengeful. She seems so proud of the times she has forced her choices in government, like "ha ha I got my way", she is awful, are other people picking up this same thing?




  1. Kinda like a female Joe Biden, eh?  

  2. What did you expect? She did call herself as a pitbull with lipstick.

  3. She came off as totally smug and proud to spread divisiveness and start a culture war in our country.

    News flash lady, this country is NOT INTERESTED IN A CULTURE WAR (city mouse vs. country mouse, red vs. blue, etc).  We are interested in being Americans together and making good things happen.  Well at least most of us are, maybe not the holier than though extreme right wing though, what's new.

    She is mean spirited, I surely hope people can see this, I was going to vote for McCain before this palin fiasco, not anymore!  I am so disappointed in him for pandering to the far right.  He could have had the independent vote, guess not so much now.

    I will be so embarrassed if McCain and palin get elected and this mean spirited, smug woman who needs to spend more time with her kids, becomes the representation of an American woman around the world.

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