
Palin got 27 Million Dollars of Federal Funds for a Town of 6,700 people ... How did THAT happen?

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Here's the story. You do the math. Obviously McCain didn't do the research. If McCain had, he might not have picked Palin because he's (supposedly AGAINST Corruption) or is he?




  1. A youth shelter to help children that have fallen on hard times, infrastructure improvements specifically the sewer system and public transportation.  Do you consider these improper of frivalous expenses?  This isn't 27 mil for something stupid, these are legitimate gov't expenses.  I though the Democrat Party was for public transportation and helping the needy.  I also assumed no one would have a problem with sewer repair.  I don't get your problem with this.

  2. Sounds pretty dirty... but faux-righteousness is the order of the day for Republicans. I wish McCain would have shown some Maverickness and gone with Ridge.

  3. Cause she is corrupt, well she might get carted away before election day if the probe turns up anything serious

  4. She is smart, but unlike Obama his ugly wife and children she doesn't eat aborted fetuses.

  5. If she can do that one one town, imagine what she can do for a country. Go McCain.

  6. YEAH, i heard she's in trouble for fed. corruption too.

    i think they didn't have anyone to be on that ticket that could possibly make the repubs vote for mccain, so he picked A WOMAN, any WOMAN, that would go for it.


  7. Well first of all your source comes from MSNBC I myself would question validity of MSNBC. MSNBC being the people who yesterday tryed to bring up a 20yr old joke that MCCAIN said and tryed to prosecute him for it.

  8. "There was $500,000 for a youth shelter, $1.9 million for a transportation hub, $900,000 for sewer repairs, and $15 million for a rail project -- all intended to benefit Palin's town"

    Our small NC county has gotten over $30 million dollars just to help build new schools. A rail project sounds to me like it might be a benefit for the state. Around here, $900,000 would get eaten up on sewer repairs in about 1 month. Perhaps if we let the state sell it's oil they would not need so much money.

    Sen. Dole just got us $2 million for our county airport for expansion. That won't even cover a resurfacing of the runway.

  9. just like reverend wright got 15 million from the government he claims to hate and accuses of inventing aids to kill people in africa for a congregation of 200

  10. some people use corruption to help the people not hurt them

    like Obama's house payment

    tony rezko!!!!

  11. LOL! Being against earmarks is good only when it's to score political points. That "bridge to nowhere" might had been a bridge to somewhere if it served as a bridge to economic growth, but Republicans like to make scapegoats instead of progress.

  12. Ask your Senators and representative, slick.  They had to vote for it.  Anyway, 27 million is chump change compared to the 18 BILLION Boston got for the Big Dig.  And you forgot to mention she refused the $398 million Bridge to Nowhere approved by Congress.  Please pally, do a little research before you start with the immature hatchet job.

  13. You remember Kennedy's "big dig" in Boston? $2Billion ( yes with a B) for a 5 mile tunnel. Actual cost was $14Billion then the d**n thing fell in and killed someone. You do the math. No corruption there right?

  14. Well, let's see...What was that money FOR?...That's kind of an important factor to determine whether or not it could be considered 'wasteful' right?

    $500,000 for a youth shelter

    $1.9 million for a transportation hub

    $900,000 for sewer repairs

    $15 million for a rail project -- all intended to benefit Palin's town, Wasilla, located about 45 miles north of Anchorage.

    Soon after, the city benefited from additional earmarks:

    $500,000 for a mental health center

    $500,000 for the purchase of federal land

    $450,000 to rehabilitate an agricultural processing facility

    These were the things that were listed in your link...None of them seem to be personally beneficial to only Palin, in fact, they appear to be things that would benefit their town

    Compare that to some of the earmarks obtained for the Democrats' outrageously stupid and/or self-serving projects in Washington

    Don't just look at the numbers, look at all the facts.

  15. barak hussein obama has taken almost 100 million in 2 years for his state in pork. forgot about that did we?

  16. Yeah, but she's not muslim.

  17. its tough to live in Alaska. Did you know that half of Alaska has no indoor plumbing cause all the pipes freeze up, plus all the local government gets Oil revenue, Palin reduced the Alaskan budget by 10%

  18. Sounds like a woman who knows how to get things done.

  19. We all know that MSNBC is the most trustworthy news anyone can get! That's why everyone watches them. lol!

  20. wow  what would u need 27 million for 6000 people for  Alaska has lot of corrupted members of the house there they get bribes an several went to prison for miss handling Federal funds so i wont doubt that might happens to her

  21. That is why I cannot wait for Palin to get elected VP so that she can keep the federal money staying in America instead of sending it overseas..You go girl!!!  If anyone has a problem with it check with the Federal Government.

  22. This is all coming out in the debates and the next two months and you will get your answer..then you can do the math..

    Obama is bleeding points every day Sarah Palin entered this campaign

    I think Biden and Obama have to discredit her and McCain and to do this they might just cut their own liberal throats.

    I have always been a Democrat but now I am ashamed of how low

    the Democrats have fallen  Obama is not going to win the POTUS

    as a shoe in..if he wins he will have to EARN the vortes as now

    all bets are off for his landslide victory..

  23. I wish our Mayor...

    Never mind.

  24. Hmmmm

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