
Palin has been billed as the perfect family???......?

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Where is her family values? Why is her 17 year old pregnant? The vendetta against her sisters ex? This person was not vetted, McCain just wanted to get the women’s vote and it aint happening. Please answer those questions hardliner Republicans.





  1. Perfectly disfunctional.

    And of course as we can expect the Republican defense........

    "Bill Clinton got a BJ"

    How predictable!

  2. billed?  lol no, dear she was billed as a conservative politician.  Which she is.

    Which is why I am d**n excited about voting for her and McCain despite all the childish leftist hate.

  3. Lets not forget that the daughter is too young to vote, but still can be a mommy and a wife.

  4. No family is "the perfect family". EVERY family has problems. The daughter made a mistake, and is taking responsibility for it. As for the "vendetta against her sisters ex", here are some facts you've levt out:

    "Palin said her husband also contacted Monegan about a threat made by Wooten but backed off when Monegan indicated he couldn't get into the matter.

    The family had alleged the threat in 2005, before Palin became governor. They said Wooten had told Palin's sister he would shoot their father if he got the sister a lawyer.

    Wooten denied saying anything like that. But a trooper investigation concluded he did, although it wasn't a crime because he didn't threaten the father directly. Wooten's actions did violate trooper policy, the investigator found.

    Monegan was a Palin appointee, and she had a right to fire him for any reason. She's previously refused to say exactly why she got rid of him, but laid out several reasons Wednesday, saying she's decided to talk about it because Monegan is.

    Palin said he wasn't doing enough to fill state trooper vacancies and battle alcohol abuse issues. She said he "did not turn out to be a team player on budgeting issues."

    Palin said it's fine to have debates during cabinet meetings over the budget but Monegan went further and indicated to legislators she wasn't proposing enough spending. Palin's acting chief of staff, Mike Nizich, said Monegan asked legislators for spending that hadn't been authorized by the governor.

    "The response he got was don't come to us and ask for more money when you cannot fill the 56 or 58 trooper positions that were vacant," Nizich said. "So he was making a pitch for additional funding when he couldn't even fill what he currently had available to him."

    And how's this for a "fair" review of the case?

    "Van Flein requested a copy of all witness statements and documentary evidence from the Legislature's investigator, Stephen Branchflower. Sen. Hollis French, an Anchorage Democrat who heads the panel, said he has instructed Branchflower not to comply with the request."

    How about this piece of the story:

    "The accuser is blogger and rental car executive Andrew Halcro, a Republican-turned-Independent who lost to Palin in the 2006 governor's race."

    Can you say Sour Grapes"

  5. No one billed her as the perfect family. They billed her as an American family. You show me one family that doesn't have their issues they are dealing with. Sarah's have just come to light because of the scrutiny of the campaign.

    I'm sure glad the media isn't looking at my family.

    McCain knew about these issues before her selections he felt they should and wouldn't impact her ability to be vice president and I agree with him.

  6. Obama said to lay off the issue.

    His own supporters won't listen to him...

  7. Sarah Palin's values speak volumes.  She is anti-abortion, thus five children.  Her daughter is pregnant and instead of shuffling her off to some convent in Tibet, she comes clean, plans the wedding and decorates the nursery.

    She wants her brother in law off the force to keep him away from guns as he has been srrested for asaulting her sister and his step son.  He is a beast and should not be allowed to be an officer of the law or carry a gun.

    This still does not overshadow her accomlishments of cleaning up corruption (of dems and reps) in her state, balancing the budget by cutting waste and thus cuttin taxes by 60% for her constituents.  SHe plays hardball, she is fair and she is not soft on Washington fat cats.

  8. Her 17 year old made a mistake, you know like Clinton did, only you didn't have a problewith that.

    Her sister's ex is a State trooper and its been shown he is not a very good one. The governor of the State has authority over that. Its up to her if he is fired for what he does. I do recall Clinton using the Stators as both a dating service and to intimidate the ladies that complained about his sexual harrassment.

  9. ....Did palin ever say she was perfect? I don't think if she didn't say it....then it's a rumor. A silly rumor that obviously isn't true, a perfect family doesn't exist.

  10. I don't recall her ever being billed as the "perfect family".  I don't see what her family has to do with anything, anyway.

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